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Truck Statutes
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Appendix of Forms
- Form 1 Caption
- Form 2 Date, Signature, Address, E-Mail Address, and Telephone Number
- Form 3 Summons
- Form 4 Summons on a Third-Party Complaint
- Form 5 Notice of a Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons
- Form 6 Waiver of the Service of Summons
- Form 7 Statement of Jurisdiction
- Form 8 Statement of Reasons for Omitting a Party
- Form 9 Statement Noting a Party's Death
- Form 10 Complaint to Recover a Sum Certain
- Form 11 Complaint for Negligence
- Form 12 Complaint for Negligence when the Plaintiff Does Not Know Who is Responsible
- Form 13 Complaint for Negligence Under the Federal Employers' Liability Act
- Form 14 Complaint for damages under the merchant marine act
- Form 15 Complaint for the Conversion of Property
- Form 16 Third-Party Complaint
- Form 17 Complaint for Specific Performance of a Contract to Convey Land
- Form 18 Complaint for Patent Infringement
- Form 19 Complaint for Copyright Infringement and Unfair Competition
- Form 20 Complaint for Interpleader and Declaratory Relief
- Form 21 Complaint on a Claim for a Debt and to Set Aside a Fraudulent Conveyance Under Rule 18(b)
- Form 30 Answer Presenting Defenses Under Rule 12(b)
- Form 31 Answer to a Complaint for Money Had and Received With a Counterclaim for Interpleader
- Form 40 Motion to Dismiss Under Rule 12(b) for Lack of Jurisdiction, Improper Venue, Insufficient Service of Process, or Failure to State a Claim
- Form 41 Motion to Bring in a Third-Party Defendant
- Form 42 Motion to Intervene as a Defendant Under Rule 24
- Form 50 Request to Produce Documents and Tangible Things, or to Enter Onto Land Under Rule 34
- Form 51 Request for Admissions Under Rule 36
- Form 52 Report of the Parties' Planning Meeting
- Form 60 Notice of Condemnation
- Form 61 Complaint for Condemnation
- Form 70 Judgment on a Jury Verdict
- Form 71 Judgment by the Court Without a Jury
- Form 80 Notice of a Magistrate Judge's Availability
- Form 81 Consent to an Assignment to a Magistrate Judge
- Form 82 Order of Assignment to a Magistrate Judge
- Supplemental Rules for Admiralty or Maritime Claims and Asset Forfeiture Actions
- Title I Scope of Rules; Form of Action
- Title II Commencing an Action
- Rule 3 Commencing an Action
- Rule 4 Summons
- Rule 4.1 Serving Other Process
- Rule 5 Serving and Filing Pleadings and Other Papers
- Rule 5.1 Constitutional Challenge to A Statute--Notice, Certification, and Intervention
- Rule 5.2 Privacy Protection For Filings Made with the Court
- Rule 6 Computing and Extending Time; Time for Motion Papers
- Title III Pleadings and Motions
- Rule 7 Pleadings Allowed; Form of Motions and Other Papers
- Rule 7.1 Disclosure Statement
- Rule 8 General Rules of Pleading
- Rule 9 Pleading Special Matters
- Rule 10 Form of Pleadings
- Rule 11 Signing Pleadings, Motions, and Other Papers; Representations to the Court; Sanctions
- Rule 12 Defenses and Objections: When and How Presented; Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; Consolidating Motions; Waiving Defenses; Pretrial Hearing
- Rule 13 Counterclaim and Crossclaim
- Rule 14 Third-Party Practice
- Rule 15 Amended and Supplemental Pleadings
- Rule 16 Pretrial Conferences; Scheduling; Management
- Title IV Parties
- Rule 17 Plaintiff and Defendant; Capacity; Public Officers
- Rule 18 Joinder of Claims
- Rule 19 Required Joinder of Parties
- Rule 20 Permissive Joinder of Parties
- Rule 21 Misjoinder and Nonjoinder of Parties
- Rule 22 Interpleader
- Rule 23 Class Actions
- Rule 23.1 Derivative Actions
- Rule 23.2 Actions Relating to Unincorporated Associations
- Rule 24 Intervention
- Rule 25 Substitution of Parties
- Title IX Special Proceedings
- Title V Disclosures and Discovery
- Rule 26 Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery
- Rule 27 Depositions to Perpetuate Testimony
- Rule 28 Persons Before Whom Depositions May Be Taken
- Rule 29 Stipulations About Discovery Procedure
- Rule 30 Depositions by Oral Examination
- Rule 31 Depositions by Written Questions
- Rule 32 Using Depositions in Court Proceedings
- Rule 33 Interrogatories to Parties
- Rule 34 Producing Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Tangible Things, or Entering onto Land, for Inspection and Other Purposes
- Rule 35 Physical and Mental Examinations
- Rule 36 Requests for Admission
- Rule 37 Failure to Make Disclosures or to Cooperate in Discovery; Sanctions
- Title VI Trials
- Rule 38 Right to a Jury Trial; Demand
- Rule 39 Trial by Jury or by the Court
- Rule 40 Scheduling Cases for Trial
- Rule 41 Dismissal of Actions
- Rule 42 Consolidation; Separate Trials
- Rule 43 Taking Testimony
- Rule 44 Proving an Official Record
- Rule 44.1 Determining Foreign Law
- Rule 45 Subpoena
- Rule 46 Objecting to a Ruling or Order
- Rule 47 Selecting Jurors
- Rule 48 Number of Jurors; Verdict; Polling
- Rule 49 Special Verdict; General Verdict and Questions
- Rule 50 Judgment as a Matter of Law in a Jury Trial; Related Motion for a New Trial; Conditional Ruling
- Rule 51 Instructions to the Jury; Objections; Preserving a Claim of Error
- Rule 52 Findings and Conclusions by the Court; Judgment on Partial Findings
- Rule 53 Masters
- Title VII Judgment
- Rule 54 Judgment; Costs
- Rule 55 Default; Default Judgment
- Rule 56 Summary Judgment
- Rule 57 Declaratory Judgment
- Rule 58 Entering Judgment
- Rule 59 New Trial; Altering or Amending a Judgment
- Rule 60 Relief from a Judgment or Order
- Rule 61 Harmless Error
- Rule 62 Stay of Proceedings to Enforce a Judgment
- Rule 62.1 Indicative Ruling on a Motion for Relief That is Barred by a Pending Appeal
- Rule 63 Judge's Inability to Proceed
- Title VIII Provisional and Final Remedies
- Rule 64 Seizing a Person or Property
- Rule 65 Injunctions and Restraining Orders
- Rule 65.1 Proceedings Against A Surety
- Rule 66 Receivers
- Rule 67 Deposit into Court
- Rule 68 Offer of Judgment
- Rule 69 Execution
- Rule 70 Enforcing a Judgment for a Specific Act
- Rule 71 Enforcing Relief for or Against a Nonparty
- Title X District Courts and Clerks: Conducting Business; Issuing Orders
- Appendix of Forms
- Federal Rules of Evidence (2011)
- Rule 401 Definition of Relevant Evidence
- Rule 402 Relevant Evidence Generally Admissible; Irrelevant Evidence Inadmissible
- Rule 403 Exclusion of Relevant Evidence on Grounds of Prejudice, Confusion, or Waste of Time
- Rule 404 Character Evidence Not Admissible To Prove Conduct; Exceptions; Other Crimes
- Rule 405 Methods of Proving Character
- Rule 406 Habit; Routine Practice
- Rule 407 Subsequent Remedial Measures
- Rule 408 Compromise and Offers to Compromise
- Rule 409 Payment of Medical and Similar Expenses
- Rule 410 Inadmissibility of Pleas, Plea Discussions, and Related Statements
- Rule 411 Liability Insurance
- Rule 412 Sex Offense Cases; Relevance of Alleged Victim
- Rule 413 Evidence of Similar Crimes in Sexual Assault Cases
- Rule 414 Evidence of Similar Crimes in Child Molestation Case
- Rule 415 Evidence of Similar Acts in Civil Cases Concerning Sexual Assault or Child Molestation
- Rule 601 General Rule of Competency
- Rule 602 Lack of Personal Knowledge
- Rule 603 Oath or Affirmation
- Rule 604 Interpreters
- Rule 605 Competency of Judge as Witness
- Rule 606 Competency of Juror as Witness
- Rule 607 Who May Impeach
- Rule 608 Evidence of Character and Conduct of Witness
- Rule 609 Impeachment by Evidence of Conviction of Crime
- Rule 610 Religious Beliefs or Opinions
- Rule 611 Mode and Order of Interrogation and Presentation
- Rule 612 Writing Used To Refresh Memory
- Rule 613 Prior Statements of Witnesses
- Rule 614 Calling and Interrogation of Witnesses by Court
- Rule 615 Exclusion of Witnesses
- United States Code
- Title 28 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
- 1 Number of justices; quorum
- 2 Terms of court
- 3 Vacancy in office of Chief Justice; disability
- 4 Precedence of associate justices
- 5 Salaries of justices
- 6 Records of former court of appeals
- 41 Number and composition of circuits
- 42 Allotment of Supreme Court justices to circuits
- 43 Creation and composition of courts
- 44 Appointment, tenure, residence and salary of circuit judges
- 45 Chief judges; precedence of judges
- 46 Assignment of judges; panels; hearings; quorum
- 47 Disqualification of trial judge to hear appeal
- 48 Terms of court
- 49 Assignment of judges to division to appoint independent counsels
- 81 Alabama
- 81A Alaska
- 82 Arizona
- 83 Arkansas
- 84 California
- 85 Colorado
- 86 Connecticut
- 87 Delaware
- 88 District of Columbia
- 89 Florida
- 90 Georgia
- 91 Hawaii
- 92 Idaho
- 93 Illinois
- 94 Indiana
- 95 Iowa
- 96 Kansas
- 97 Kentucky
- 98 Louisiana
- 99 Maine
- 100 Maryland
- 101 Massachusetts
- 102 Michigan
- 103 Minnesota
- 104 Mississippi
- 105 Missouri
- 106 Montana
- 107 Nebraska
- 108 Nevada
- 109 New Hampshire
- 110 New Jersey
- 111 New Mexico
- 112 New York
- 113 North Carolina
- 114 North Dakota
- 115 Ohio
- 116 Oklahoma
- 117 Oregon
- 118 Pennsylvania
- 119 Puerto Rico
- 120 Rhode Island
- 121 South Carolina
- 122 South Dakota
- 123 Tennessee
- 124 Texas
- 125 Utah
- 126 Vermont
- 127 Virginia
- 128 Washington
- 129 West Virginia
- 130 Wisconsin
- 131 Wyoming
- 132 Creation and composition of district courts
- 133 Appointment and number of district judges
- 134 Tenure and residence of district judges
- 135 Salaries of district judges
- 136 Chief judges; precedence of district judges
- 137 Division of business among district judges
- 138 Terms abolished
- 139 Times for holding regular sessions
- 140 Adjournment
- 141 Special sessions; places; notice
- 143 Vacant judgeship as affecting proceedings
- 144 Bias or prejudice of judge
- 151 Designation of bankruptcy courts
- 152 Appointment of bankruptcy judges
- 153 Salaries; character of service
- 154 Division of businesses; chief judge
- 155 Temporary transfer of bankruptcy judges
- 156 Staff; expenses
- 157 Procedures
- 158 Appeals
- 159 Bankruptcy statistics
- 171 Appointment and number of judges; character of court; designation of chief judge
- 172 Tenure and salaries of judges
- 173 Times and places of holding court
- 174 Assignment of judges; decisions
- 175 Official duty station; residence
- 176 Removal from office
- 177 Disbarment of removed judges
- 178 Retirement of judges of the Court of Federal Claims
- 179 Personnel application and insurance programs
- 251 Appointment and number of judges; offices
- 252 Tenure and salaries of judges
- 253 Duties of chief judge
- 254 Single-judge trials
- 255 Three-judge trials
- 256 Trials at ports other than New York
- 257 Publication of decisions
- 258 Chief judges; precedence of judges
- 291 Circuit judges
- 292 District judges
- 293 Judges of the Court of International Trade
- 294 Assignment of retired Justices or judges to active duty
- 295 Conditions upon designation and assignment
- 296 Powers upon designation and assignment
- 297 Assignment of judges to courts of the freely associated compact states
- 331 Judicial Conference of the United States
- 332 Judicial councils of circuits
- 333 Judicial conferences of circuits
- 334 Institutes and joint councils on sentencing
- 335 Judicial Conference of the Court of International Trade
- 351 Complaints; judge defined
- 352 Review of complaint by chief judge
- 353 Special committees
- 354 Action by judicial council
- 355 Action by Judicial Conference
- 356 Subpoena power
- 357 Review of orders and actions
- 358 Rules
- 359 Restrictions
- 360 Disclosure of information
- 361 Reimbursement of expenses
- 362 Other provisions and rules not affected
- 363 Court of Federal Claims, Court of International Trade, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- 364 Effect of felony conviction
- 371 Retirement on salary; retirement in senior status
- 372 Retirement for disability; substitute judge on failure to retire
- 373 Judges in territories and possessions
- 374 Residence of retired judges; official station
- 375 Recall of certain judges and magistrate judges
- 376 Annuities for survivors of certain judicial officials of the United States
- 377 Retirement of bankruptcy judges and magistrate judges
- 411 Supreme Court reports; printing, binding, and distribution
- 412 Sale of Supreme Court reports
- 413 Publications; distribution to courts
- 414 Transmittal of books to successors
- 451 Definitions
- 452 Courts always open; powers unrestricted by expiration of sessions
- 453 Oaths of justices and judges
- 454 Practice of law by justices and judges
- 455 Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge
- 456 Traveling expenses of justices and judges; official duty stations
- 457 Records; obsolete papers
- 458 Relative of justice or judge ineligible to appointment
- 459 Administration of oaths and acknowledgments
- 460 Application to other courts
- 461 Adjustments in certain salaries
- 462 Court accommodations
- 463 Expenses of litigation
- 471 Requirement for a district court civil justice expense and delay reduction plan
- 472 Development and implementation of a civil justice expense and delay reduction plan
- 473 Content of civil justice expense and delay reduction plans
- 474 Review of district court action
- 475 Periodic district court assessment
- 476 Enhancement of judicial information dissemination
- 477 Model civil justice expense and delay reduction plan
- 478 Advisory groups
- 479 Information on litigation management and cost and delay reduction
- 480 Training programs
- 481 Automated case information
- 482 Definitions
- 501 Executive department
- 502 Seal
- 503 Attorney General
- 504 Deputy Attorneys General
- 504a Associate Attorney General
- 505 Solicitor General
- 506 Assistant Attorneys General
- 507 Assistant Attorney General for Administration
- 507A Assistant Attorney General for National Security
- 508 Vacancies
- 509 Functions of the Attorney General
- 509A National Security Division
- 509B Section to enforce human rights laws
- 510 Delegation of authority
- 511 Attorney General to advise the President
- 512 Attorney General to advise heads of executive departments
- 513 Attorney General to advise Secretaries of military departments
- 514 Legal services on pending claims in departments and agencies
- 515 Authority for legal proceedings; commission, oath, and salary for special attorneys
- 516 Conduct of litigation reserved to Department of Justice
- 517 Interests of United States in pending suits
- 518 Conduct and argument of cases
- 519 Supervision of litigation
- 520 Transmission of petitions in United States Court of Federal Claims or in United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; statement furnished by departments
- 521 Publication and distribution of opinions
- 522 Report of business and statistics
- 523 Requisitions
- 524 Availability of appropriations
- 525 Procurement of law books, reference books, and periodicals; sale and exchange
- 526 Authority of Attorney General to investigate United States attorneys, marshals, trustees, clerks of court, and others
- 527 Establishment of working capital fund
- 528 Disqualification of officers and employees of the Department of Justice
- 529 Annual report of Attorney General
- 530 Payment of travel and transportation expenses of newly appointed special agents
- 530A Authorization of appropriations for travel and related expenses and for health care of personnel serving abroad
- 530B Ethical standards for attorneys for the Government
- 530C Authority to use available funds
- 530D Report on enforcement of laws
- 531 Federal Bureau of Investigation
- 532 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- 533 Investigative and other officials; appointment
- 534 Acquisition, preservation, and exchange of identification records and information; appointment of officials
- 535 Investigation of crimes involving Government officers and employees; limitations
- 536 Positions in excepted service
- 537 Expenses of unforeseen emergencies of a confidential character
- 538 Investigation of aircraft piracy and related violations
- 539 Counterintelligence official reception and representation expenses
- 540 Investigation of felonious killings of State or local law enforcement officers
- 540A Investigation of violent crimes against travelers
- 540B Investigation of serial killings
- 540C FBI Police
- 541 United States attorneys
- 542 Assistant United States attorneys
- 543 Special attorneys
- 544 Oath of office
- 545 Residence
- 546 Vacancies
- 547 Duties
- 548 Salaries
- 549 Expenses
- 550 Clerical assistants, messengers, and private process servers
- 561 United States Marshals Service
- 562 Vacancies
- 563 Oath of office
- 564 Powers as sheriff
- 565 Expenses of the Service
- 566 Powers and duties
- 567 Collection of fees; accounting
- 568 Practice of law prohibited
- 569 Reemployment rights
- 581 United States trustees
- 582 Assistant United States trustees
- 583 Oath of office
- 584 Official stations
- 585 Vacancies
- 586 Duties; supervision by Attorney General
- 587 Salaries
- 588 Expenses
- 589 Staff and other employees
- 589a United States Trustee System Fund
- 589b Bankruptcy data
- 591 Applicability of provisions of this chapter
- 592 Preliminary investigation and application for appointment of an independent counsel
- 593 Duties of the division of the court
- 594 Authority and duties of an independent counsel
- 595 Congressional oversight
- 596 Removal of an independent counsel; termination of office
- 597 Relationship with Department of Justice
- 598 Severability
- 599 Termination of effect of chapter
- 599A Bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and Explosives
- 599B Personnel Management demonstration project
- 601 Creation; Director and Deputy Director
- 602 Employees
- 603 Salaries
- 604 Duties of Director generally
- 605 Budget estimates
- 606 Duties of Deputy Director
- 607 Practice of law prohibited
- 608 Seal
- 609 Courts' appointive power unaffected
- 610 Courts defined
- 611 Retirement of Director
- 612 Judiciary Information Technology Fund
- 613 Disbursing and certifying officers
- 620 Federal Judicial Center
- 621 Board; composition, tenure of members, compensation
- 622 Meetings; conduct of business
- 623 Duties of the Board
- 624 Powers of the Board
- 625 Director and staff
- 626 Compensation of the Director and Deputy Director
- 627 Retirement; employee benefits
- 628 Appropriations and accounting
- 629 Federal Judicial Center Foundation
- 631 Appointment and tenure
- 632 Character of service
- 633 Determination of number, locations, and salaries of magistrate judges
- 634 Compensation
- 635 Expenses
- 636 Jurisdiction, powers, and temporary assignment
- 637 Training
- 638 Dockets and forms; United States Code; seals
- 639 Definitions
- 651 Authorization of alternative dispute resolution
- 652 Jurisdiction
- 653 Neutrals
- 654 Arbitration
- 655 Arbitrators
- 656 Subpoenas
- 657 Arbitration award and judgment
- 658 Compensation of arbitrators and neutrals
- 671 Clerk
- 672 Marshal
- 673 Reporter
- 674 Librarian
- 675 Law clerks and secretaries
- 676 Printing and binding
- 677 Counselor to the Chief Justice
- 711 Clerks and employees
- 712 Law clerks and secretaries
- 713 Librarians
- 714 Criers and messengers
- 715 Staff attorneys and technical assistants
- 751 Clerks
- 752 Law clerks and secretaries
- 753 Reporters
- 754 Receivers of property in different districts
- 755 Criers and bailiffs
- 756 Power to appoint
- 791 Clerk
- 794 Law clerks and secretaries
- 795 Bailiffs and messengers
- 796 Reporting of court proceedings
- 797 Recall of retired judges
- 798 Places of holding court; appointment of special masters
- 871 Clerk, chief deputy clerk, assistant clerk, deputies, assistants, and other employees
- 872 Criers, bailiffs, and messengers
- 951 Oath of office of clerks and deputies
- 953 Administration of oaths and acknowledgments
- 954 Vacancy in clerk position; absence of clerk
- 955 Practice of law restricted
- 956 Powers and duties of clerks and deputies
- 957 Clerks ineligible for certain offices
- 958 Persons ineligible as receivers
- 959 Trustees and receivers suable; management; State laws
- 960 Tax liability
- 961 Office expenses of clerks
- 963 Courts defined
- 991 United States Sentencing Commission; establishment and purposes
- 992 Terms of office; compensation
- 993 Powers and duties of Chair
- 994 Duties of the Commission
- 995 Powers of the Commission
- 996 Director and staff
- 997 Annual report
- 998 Definitions
- 1251 Original jurisdiction
- 1253 Direct appeals from decisions of three-judge courts
- 1254 Courts of appeals; certiorari; certified questions
- 1257 State courts; certiorari
- 1258 Supreme Court of Puerto Rico; certiorari
- 1259 Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces; certiorari
- 1291 Final decisions of district courts
- 1292 Interlocutory decisions
- 1294 Circuits in which decisions reviewable
- 1295 Jurisdiction of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- 1296 Review of certain agency actions
- 1330 Actions against foreign states
- 1331 Federal question
- 1332 Diversity of citizenship; amount in controversy; costs
- 1333 Admiralty, maritime and prize cases
- 1334 Bankruptcy cases and proceedings
- 1335 Interpleader
- 1336 Surface Transportation Board's orders
- 1337 Commerce and antitrust regulations; amount in controversy, costs
- 1338 Patents, plant variety protection, copyrights, mask works, designs, trademarks, and unfair competition
- 1339 Postal matters
- 1340 Internal revenue; customs duties
- 1341 Taxes by States
- 1342 Rate orders of State agencies
- 1343 Civil rights and elective franchise
- 1344 Election disputes
- 1345 United States as plaintiff
- 1346 United States as defendant
- 1347 Partition action where United States is joint tenant
- 1348 Banking association as party
- 1349 Corporation organized under federal law as party
- 1350 Alien's action for tort
- 1351 Consuls, vice consuls, and members of a diplomatic mission as defendant
- 1352 Bonds executed under federal law
- 1353 Indian allotments
- 1354 Land grants from different states
- 1355 Fine, penalty or forfeiture
- 1356 Seizures not within admiralty and maritime jurisdiction
- 1357 Injuries under Federal laws
- 1358 Eminent domain
- 1359 Parties collusively joined or made
- 1360 State civil jurisdiction in actions to which Indians are parties
- 1361 Action to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty
- 1362 Indian tribes
- 1363 Jurors' employment rights
- 1364 Direct actions against insurers of members of diplomatic missions and their families
- 1365 Senate actions
- 1366 Construction of references to laws of the United States or Acts of Congress
- 1367 Supplemental jurisdiction
- 1368 Counterclaims in unfair practices in international trade
- 1369 Multiparty, multiforum jurisdiction
- 1391 Venue generally
- 1392 Defendants or property in different districts in same State
- 1394 Banking association's action against Comptroller of Currency
- 1395 Fine, penalty or forfeiture
- 1396 Internal revenue taxes
- 1397 Interpleader
- 1398 Interstate Commerce Commission's orders
- 1399 Partition action involving United States
- 1400 Patents and copyrights, mask works, and designs
- 1401 Stockholder's derivative action
- 1402 United States as defendant
- 1403 Eminent domain
- 1404 Change of venue
- 1405 Creation or alteration of district or division
- 1406 Cure or waiver of defects
- 1407 Multidistrict litigation
- 1408 Venue of cases under title 11
- 1409 Venue of proceedings arising under title 11 or arising in or related to cases under title 11
- 1410 Venue of cases ancillary to foreign proceedings
- 1411 Jury trials
- 1412 Change of venue
- 1413 Venue of cases under chapter 5 of title 3
- 1441 Actions removable generally
- 1442 Federal officers or agencies sued or prosecuted
- 1442a Members of armed forces sued or prosecuted
- 1443 Civil rights cases
- 1444 Foreclosure action against United States
- 1445 Nonremovable actions
- 1446 Procedure for removal
- 1447 Procedure after removal generally
- 1448 Process after removal
- 1449 State court record supplied
- 1450 Attachment or sequestration; securities
- 1451 Definitions
- 1452 Removal of claims related to bankruptcy cases
- 1453 Removal of class actions
- 1454 Patent, plant variety protection, and copyright cases
- 1491 Claims against United States generally; actions involving Tennessee Valley Authority
- 1492 Congressional reference cases
- 1494 Accounts of officers, agents or contractors
- 1495 Damages for unjust conviction and imprisonment; claim against United States
- 1496 Disbursing officers' claims
- 1497 Oyster growers' damages from dredging operations
- 1498 Patent and copyright cases
- 1499 Liquidated damages withheld from contractors under chapter 37 of title 40
- 1500 Pendency of claims in other courts
- 1501 Pensions
- 1502 Treaty cases
- 1503 Set-offs
- 1505 Indian claims
- 1507 Jurisdiction for certain declaratory judgments
- 1508 Jurisdiction for certain partnership proceedings
- 1509 No jurisdiction in cases involving refunds of tax shelter promoter and understatement penalties
- 1581 Civil actions against the United States and agencies and officers thereof
- 1582 Civil actions commenced by the United States
- 1583 Counterclaims, cross-claims, and third-party actions
- 1584 Civil actions under the North American Free Trade Agreement or the United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement
- 1585 Powers in law and equity
- 1602 Findings and declaration of purpose
- 1603 Definitions
- 1604 Immunity of a foreign state from jurisdiction
- 1605 General exceptions to the jurisdictional immunity of a foreign state
- 1605A Terrorism exception to the jurisdictional immunity of a foreign state
- 1606 Extent of liability
- 1607 Counterclaims
- 1608 Service; time to answer; default
- 1609 Immunity from attachment and execution of property of a foreign state
- 1610 Exceptions to the immunity from attachment or execution
- 1611 Certain types of property immune from execution
- 1631 Transfer to cure want of jurisdiction
- 1651 Writs
- 1652 State laws as rules of decision
- 1653 Amendment of pleadings to show jurisdiction
- 1654 Appearance personally or by counsel
- 1655 Lien enforcement; absent defendants
- 1656 Creation of new district or division or transfer of territory; lien enforcement
- 1657 Priority of civil actions
- 1658 Time limitations on the commencement of civil actions arising under Acts of Congress
- 1659 Stay of certain actions pending disposition of related proceedings before the United States International Trade Commission
- 1691 Seal and teste of process
- 1692 Process and orders affecting property in different districts
- 1693 Place of arrest in civil action
- 1694 Patent infringement action
- 1695 Stockholder's derivative action
- 1696 Service in foreign and international litigation
- 1697 Service in multiparty, multiforum actions
- 1711 Definitions
- 1712 Coupon settlements
- 1713 Protection against loss by class members
- 1714 Protection against discrimination based on geographic location
- 1715 Notifications to appropriate Federal and State officials
- 1731 Handwriting
- 1732 Record made in regular course of business; photographic copies
- 1733 Government records and papers; copies
- 1734 Court record lost or destroyed, generally
- 1735 Court record lost or destroyed where United States interested
- 1736 Congressional Journals
- 1737 Copy of officer's bond
- 1738 State and Territorial statutes and judicial proceedings; full faith and credit
- 1738A Full faith and credit given to child custody determinations
- 1738B Full faith and credit for child support orders
- 1738C Certain acts, records, and proceedings and the effect thereof
- 1739 State and Territorial nonjudicial records; full faith and credit
- 1740 Copies of consular papers
- 1741 Foreign official documents
- 1743 Demand on postmaster
- 1744 Copies of United States Patent and Trademark Office documents, generally
- 1745 Copies of foreign patent documents
- 1746 Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury
- 1781 Transmittal of letter rogatory or request
- 1782 Assistance to foreign and international tribunals and to litigants before such tribunals
- 1783 Subpoena of person in foreign country
- 1784 Contempt
- 1785 Subpoenas in multiparty, multiforum actions
- 1821 Per diem and mileage generally; subsistence
- 1822 Competency of interested persons; share of penalties payable
- 1824 Mileage fees under summons as both witness and juror
- 1825 Payment of fees
- 1826 Recalcitrant witnesses
- 1827 Interpreters in courts of the United States
- 1828 Special interpretation services
- 1861 Declaration of policy
- 1862 Discrimination prohibited
- 1863 Plan for random jury selection
- 1864 Drawing of names from the master jury wheel; completion of juror qualification form
- 1865 Qualifications for jury service
- 1866 Selection and summoning of jury panels
- 1867 Challenging compliance with selection procedures
- 1868 Maintenance and inspection of records
- 1869 Definitions
- 1870 Challenges
- 1871 Fees
- 1872 Issues of fact in Supreme Court
- 1873 Admiralty and maritime cases
- 1874 Actions on bonds and specialties
- 1875 Protection of jurors' employment
- 1876 Trial by jury in the Court of International Trade
- 1877 Protection of jurors
- 1878 Optional use of a one-step summoning and qualification procedure
- 1911 Supreme Court
- 1912 Damages and costs on affirmance
- 1913 Courts of appeals
- 1914 District court; filing and miscellaneous fees; rules of court
- 1915 Proceedings in forma pauperis
- 1915A Screening
- 1916 Seamen's suits
- 1917 District courts; fee on filing notice of or petition for appeal
- 1918 District courts; fines, forfeitures and criminal proceedings
- 1919 Dismissal for lack of jurisdiction
- 1920 Taxation of costs
- 1921 United States marshal's fees
- 1922 Witness fees before United States magistrate judges
- 1923 Docket fees and costs of briefs
- 1924 Verification of bill of costs
- 1925 Admiralty and maritime cases
- 1926 Court of Federal Claims
- 1927 Counsel's liability for excessive costs
- 1928 Patent infringement action; disclaimer not filed
- 1929 Extraordinary expenses not expressly authorized
- 1930 Bankruptcy fees
- 1931 Disposition of filing fees
- 1932 [FN1] Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation
- 1932 [FN1] Revocation of earned release credit
- 1961 Interest
- 1962 Lien
- 1963 Registration of judgments for enforcement in other districts
- 1964 Constructive notice of pending actions
- 2001 Sale of realty generally
- 2002 Notice of sale of realty
- 2003 Marshal's incapacity after levy on or sale of realty
- 2004 Sale of personalty generally
- 2005 Appraisal of goods taken on execution
- 2006 Execution against revenue officer
- 2007 Imprisonment for debt
- 2041 Deposit of moneys in pending or adjudicated cases
- 2042 Withdrawal
- 2043 Deposit of other moneys
- 2044 Payment of fine with bond money
- 2045 Investment of court registry funds
- 2071 Rule-making power generally
- 2072 Rules of procedure and evidence; power to prescribe
- 2073 Rules of procedure and evidence; method of prescribing
- 2074 Rules of procedure and evidence; submission to Congress; effective date
- 2075 Bankruptcy rules
- 2077 Publication of rules; advisory committees
- 2101 Supreme Court; time for appeal or certiorari; docketing; stay
- 2102 Priority of criminal case on appeal from State court
- 2104 Reviews of State court decisions
- 2105 Scope of review; abatement
- 2106 Determination
- 2107 Time for appeal to court of appeals
- 2108 Proof of amount in controversy
- 2109 Quorum of Supreme Court justices absent
- 2111 Harmless error
- 2112 Record on review and enforcement of agency orders
- 2113 Definition
- 2201 Creation of remedy
- 2202 Further relief
- 2241 Power to grant writ
- 2242 Application
- 2243 Issuance of writ; return; hearing; decision
- 2244 Finality of determination
- 2245 Certificate of trial judge admissible in evidence
- 2246 Evidence; depositions; affidavits
- 2247 Documentary evidence
- 2248 Return or answer; conclusiveness
- 2249 Certified copies of indictment, plea and judgment; duty of respondent
- 2250 Indigent petitioner entitled to documents without cost
- 2251 Stay of State court proceedings
- 2252 Notice
- 2253 Appeal
- 2254 State custody; remedies in Federal courts
- 2255 Federal custody; remedies on motion attacking sentence
- 2261 Prisoners in State custody subject to capital sentence; appointment of counsel; requirement of rule of court or statute; procedures for appointment
- 2262 Mandatory stay of execution; duration; limits on stays of execution; successive petitions
- 2263 Filing of habeas corpus application; time requirements; tolling rules
- 2264 Scope of Federal review; district court adjudications
- 2265 Certification and judicial review
- 2266 Limitation periods for determining applications and motions
- 2283 Stay of State court proceedings
- 2284 Three-judge court; when required; composition; procedure
- 2321 Judicial review of Board's orders and decisions; procedure generally; process
- 2322 United States as party
- 2323 Duties of Attorney General; intervenors
- 2341 Definitions
- 2342 Jurisdiction of court of appeals
- 2343 Venue
- 2344 Review of orders; time; notice; contents of petition; service
- 2345 Prehearing conference
- 2346 Certification of record on review
- 2347 Petitions to review; proceedings
- 2348 Representation in proceeding; intervention
- 2349 Jurisdiction of the proceeding
- 2350 Review in Supreme Court on certiorari or certification
- 2351 Enforcement of orders by district courts
- 2361 Process and procedure
- 2401 Time for commencing action against United States
- 2402 Jury trial in actions against United States
- 2403 Intervention by United States or a State; constitutional question
- 2404 Death of defendant in damage action
- 2405 Garnishment
- 2406 Credits in actions by United States; prior disallowance
- 2407 Delinquents for public money; judgment at return term; continuance
- 2408 Security not required of United States
- 2409 Partition actions involving United States
- 2409a Real property quiet title actions
- 2410 Actions affecting property on which United States has lien
- 2411 Interest
- 2412 Costs and fees
- 2413 Executions in favor of United States
- 2414 Payment of judgments and compromise settlements
- 2415 Time for commencing actions brought by the United States
- 2416 Time for commencing actions brought by the United States-Exclusions
- 2461 Mode of recovery
- 2462 Time for commencing proceedings
- 2463 Property taken under revenue law not repleviable
- 2464 Security; special bond
- 2465 Return of property to claimant; liability for wrongful seizure; attorney fees, costs, and interest
- 2466 Fugitive disentitlement
- 2467 Enforcement of foreign judgment
- 2501 Time for filing suit
- 2502 Aliens' privilege to sue
- 2503 Proceedings generally
- 2504 Plaintiff's testimony
- 2505 Trial before judges
- 2506 Interest of witness
- 2507 Calls and discovery
- 2508 Counterclaim or set-off; registration of judgment
- 2509 Congressional reference cases
- 2510 Referral of cases by Comptroller General
- 2511 Accounts of officers, agents or contractors
- 2512 Disbursing officers; relief
- 2513 Unjust conviction and imprisonment
- 2514 Forfeiture of fraudulent claims
- 2515 New trial; stay of judgment
- 2516 Interest on claims and judgments
- 2517 Payment of judgments
- 2519 Conclusiveness of judgment
- 2521 Subpoenas and incidental powers
- 2522 Notice of appeal
- 2631 Persons entitled to commence a civil action
- 2632 Commencement of a civil action
- 2633 Procedure and fees
- 2634 Notice
- 2635 Filing of official documents
- 2636 Time for commencement of action
- 2637 Exhaustion of administrative remedies
- 2638 New grounds in support of a civil action
- 2639 Burden of proof; evidence of value
- 2640 Scope and standard of review
- 2641 Witnesses; inspection of documents
- 2642 Analysis of imported merchandise
- 2643 Relief
- 2644 Interest
- 2645 Decisions
- 2646 Retrial or rehearing
- 2671 Definitions
- 2672 Administrative adjustment of claims
- 2673 Reports to Congress
- 2674 Liability of United States
- 2675 Disposition by federal agency as prerequisite; evidence
- 2676 Judgment as bar
- 2677 Compromise
- 2678 Attorney fees; penalty
- 2679 Exclusiveness of remedy
- 2680 Exceptions
- 2710 Right of attachment
- 2711 Application for warrant
- 2712 Issue of warrant
- 2713 Trial of ownership of property
- 2714 Investment of proceeds of attached property
- 2715 Publication
- 2716 Personal notice
- 2717 Discharge
- 2718 Interest on balances due department
- 3701 Definitions
- 3702 Unlawful sports gambling
- 3703 Injunctions
- 3704 Applicability
- 3901 Civil actions
- 3902 Judicial review of regulations
- 3903 Effect of failure to issue regulations
- 3904 Expedited review of certain appeals
- 3905 Attorney's fees and interest
- 3906 Payments
- 3907 Other judicial review prohibited
- 3908 Definitions
- 4001 Assumption of contractual obligations related to transfers of rights in motion pictures
- 4101 Definitions
- 4102 Recognition of foreign defamation judgments
- 4103 Removal
- 4104 Declaratory judgments
- 4105 Attorneys' fees
- Appendix of Forms
- II Rules for Multicircuit Petitions for Review Under 28 U.S.C.2112(a)(3)
- I Rules for Multidistrict Litigation Under 28 U.S.C.1407
- Rule 1.1 Definitions
- Rule 2.1. Rules and Practice
- Rule 3.1 Electronic Records and Files; Copy Fees
- Rule 3.2 ECF Users: Filing Requirements
- Rule 3.3 Non-ECF Users: Filing Requirements
- Rule 4.1 Service of Pleadings
- Rule 5.1 Corporate Disclosure Statement
- Rule 6.1 Motion Practice
- Rule 6.2 Motions to Transfer for Coordinated or Consolidated Pretrial Proceedings
- Rule 6.3 Motions for Miscellaneous Relief
- Rule 7.1 Conditional Transfer Orders (CTO) for Tag-Along Actions
- Rule 7.2 Miscellaneous Provisions Concerning Tag-Along Actions
- Rule 8.1 Show Cause Orders
- Rule 9.1 Transfer of Files; Notification Requirements
- Rule 10.1 Termination and Remand
- Rule 10.2 Conditional Remand Orders (CRO)
- Rule 10.3 Motion to Remand
- Rule 10.4 Transfer of Files on Remand
- Rule 11.1 Hearing Sessions and Oral Argument
- Legislative History
- Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases in the United States District Courts
- Rule 1 Scope
- Rule 2 The Petition
- Rule 3 Filing the Petition; Inmate Filing
- Rule 4 Preliminary Review; Serving the Petition and Order
- Rule 5 The Answer and the Reply
- Rule 6 Discovery
- Rule 7 Expanding the Record
- Rule 8 Evidentiary Hearing
- Rule 9 Second or Successive Petitions
- Rule 10 Powers of a Magistrate Judge
- Rule 11 Certificate of Appealability; Time to Appeal
- Rule 12 Applicability of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Rules Governing Section 2255 Proceedings for the United States District Courts
- Rule 1 Scope
- Rule 2 The Motion
- Rule 3 Filing the Motion; Inmate Filing
- Rule 4 Preliminary Review
- Rule 5 The Answer and the Reply
- Rule 6 Discovery
- Rule 9 Second or Successive Motions
- Rule 11 Certificate of Appealability; Time to Appeal
- Rule 12 Applicability of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Subchapter A Definitions and General Provisions
- 3001 Applicability of chapter
- 3002 Definitions
- 3003 Rules of construction
- 3004 Service of process; enforcement; notice
- 3005 Application of chapter to judgments
- 3006 Affidavit requirements
- 3007 Perishable personal property
- 3008 Proceedings before United States magistrate judges
- 3009 United States marshals' authority to designate keeper
- 3010 Co-owned property
- 3011 Assessment of surcharge on a debt
- 3012 Joinder of additional defendant
- 3013 Modification or protective order; supervision of enforcement
- 3014 Exempt property
- 3015 Discovery as to debtor's financial condition
- Subchapter B Prejudgment Remedies
- Subchapter C Postjudgment Remedies
- Subchapter D Fraudulent Transfers Involving Debts
- Title 49 Transportation
- Subtitle VI Motor Vehicle and Driver Programs
- Part A General
- Chapter 301 Motor Vehicle Safety
- Subchapter III Importing Noncomplying Motor Vehicles and Equipment
- 30141 Importing motor vehicles capable of complying with standards
- 30142 Importing motor vehicles for personal use
- 30143 Motor vehicles imported by individuals employed outside the United States
- 30144 Importing motor vehicles on a temporary basis
- 30145 Importing motor vehicles or equipment requiring further manufacturing
- 30146 Release of motor vehicles and bonds
- 30147 Responsibility for defects and noncompliance
- Subchapter II Standards and Compliance
- 30111 Standards
- 30112 Prohibitions on manufacturing, selling, and importing noncomplying motor vehicles and equipment
- 30113 General exemptions
- 30114 Special exemptions
- 30115 Certification of compliance
- 30116 Defects and noncompliance found before sale to purchaser
- 30117 Providing information to, and maintaining records on, purchasers
- 30118 Notification of defects and noncompliance
- 30119 Notification procedures
- 30120 Remedies for defects and noncompliance
- 30121 Provisional notification and civil actions to enforce
- 30122 Making safety devices and elements inoperative
- 30123 Tires
- 30124 Buzzers indicating nonuse of safety belts
- 30125 Schoolbuses and schoolbus equipment
- 30126 Used motor vehicles
- 30127 Automatic occupant crash protection and seat belt use
- 30128 Vehicle rollover prevention and crash mitigation
- Subchapter IV Enforcement and Administrative
- 30161 Judicial review of standards
- 30162 Petitions by interested persons for standards and enforcement
- 30163 Actions by the Attorney General
- 30164 Service of process
- 30165 Civil penalty
- 30166 Inspections, investigations, and records
- 30167 Disclosure of information by the Secretary of Transportation
- 30168 Research, testing, development, and training
- 30169 Annual reports
- 30170 Criminal Penalties
- Subchapter III Importing Noncomplying Motor Vehicles and Equipment
- Chapter 301 Motor Vehicle Safety
- Part B Commercial
- Chapter 311 Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
- Subchapter III Safety Regulation
- 31131 Purposes and findings
- 31132 Definitions
- 31133 General powers of the Secretary of Transportation
- 31135 Duties of employers and employees
- 31136 United States Government regulations
- 31137 Monitoring device and brake maintenance regulations
- 31138 Minimum financial responsibility for transporting passengers
- 31139 Minimum financial responsibility for transporting property
- 31141 Review and preemption of State laws and regulations
- 31142 Inspection of vehicles
- 31143 Investigating complaints and protecting complainants
- 31144 Safety fitness of owners and operators
- 31145 Coordination of Governmental activities and paperwork
- 31146 Relationship to other laws
- 31147 Limitations on authority
- 31148 Certified motor carrier safety auditors
- 31149 Medical program
- 31150 Safety performance history screening
- 31151 Roadability
- 31161 International cooperation
- Subchapter II Length and Width Limitations
- Subchapter III Safety Regulation
- Chapter 313 Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators
- Chapter 315 Motor Carrier Safety
- Chapter 317 Participation in International Registration Plan and International Fuel Tax Agreement
- Chapter 311 Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
- Part A General
- Subtitle VI Motor Vehicle and Driver Programs
- Title 28 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Title 49 Transportation
- Subtitle B Other Regulations Relating to Transportation
- Chapter III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
- Subchapter B Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
- 385.201 Who is qualified to perform a review of a motor carrier or an intermodal equipment provider?
- Subchapter B Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
- Chapter V National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
- Chapter III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
- Subtitle B Other Regulations Relating to Transportation
- Title 49 Transportation
- Wyoming Rules of Evidence
- I General Provisions
- II Judicial Notice
- III Presumptions
- IV Relevancy and Its Limits
- Rule 401 Definition of Relevant Evidence
- Rule 402 Relevant Evidence Generally Admissible; Irrelevant Evidence Inadmissible
- Rule 403 Exclusion of Relevant Evidence on Grounds of Prejudice, Confusion, or Waste of Time
- Rule 404 Character Evidence Not Admissible to Prove Conduct; Exceptions; Other Crimes
- Rule 405 Methods of Proving Character
- Rule 406 Habit; Routine Practice
- Rule 407 Subsequent Remedial Measures
- Rule 408 Compromise and Offers to Compromise
- Rule 409 Payment of Medical and Similar Expenses
- Rule 410 Withdrawn Pleas and Offers
- Rule 411 Liability Insurance
- IX Authentication and Identification
- V Privileges
- VI Witnesses
- Rule 601 General Rule of Competency
- Rule 602 Lack of Personal Knowledge
- Rule 603 Oath or Affirmation
- Rule 604 Interpreters
- Rule 605 Competency of Judge as Witness
- Rule 606 Competency of Juror as Witness
- Rule 607 Who may Impeach
- Rule 608 Evidence of Character and Conduct of Witness
- Rule 609 Impeachment by Evidence of Conviction of Crime
- Rule 610 Religious Beliefs or Opinions
- Rule 611 Mode and Order of Interrogation and Presentation
- Rule 612 Writing or Object Used to Refresh Memory
- Rule 613 Prior Statements of Witnesses
- Rule 614 Calling and Interrogation of Witnesses by Court
- Rule 615 Exclusion of Witnesses
- VII Opinions and Expert Testimony
- VIII Hearsay
- X Contents of Writings, Recordings, and Photographs
- XI Miscellaneous Rules
- Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure
- Appendix of Forms
- Introductory Statement
- Form 1 Summons
- Form 1-A Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver of Service of Summons
- Form 1-B Waiver of Service of Summons
- Form 3 Complaint on a Promissory Note
- Form 4 Complaint on an Account
- Form 5 Complaint for Goods Sold and Delivered
- Form 6 Complaint for Money Lent
- Form 7 Complaint for Money Paid by Mistake
- Form 8 Complaint for Money Had and Received
- Form 9 Complaint for Negligence
- Form 10 Complaint for Negligence Where Plaintiff is Unable to Determine Definitely Whether the Person Responsible is C. D. or E. F. or Whether Both Are Responsible and Where His Evidence may Justify A Finding of Wilfulness or of Recklessness or of Negligence
- Form 11 Complaint for Conversion
- Form 12 Complaint for Specific Performance of Contract to Convey Land
- Form 13 Complaint on Claim for Debt and to Set Aside Fraudulent Conveyance Under Rule 18 (B)
- Form 14 Complaint for Negligence Under Federal Employer's Liability Act (45 U.S.C. 51 Through 60)
- Form 15 Complaint for Divorce
- Form 16 Complaint in Action to Quiet Title
- Form 17 Complaint on Insurance Policy
- Form 18 Complaint for Interpleader and Declaratory Relief
- Form 19 Motion to Dismiss, Presenting Defenses of Failure to State A Claim, of Lack of Service of Process, or Improper Venue, and of Lack of Jurisdiction Under Rule 12(B)
- Form 20 Answer Presenting Defenses Under Rule 12(B)
- Form 21 Answer to Complaint Set Forth in Form 8, With Counterclaim for Interpleader
- Form 22 Motion to Bring in Third-Party Defendant
- Form 22-A Summons and Complaint Against Third-Party Defendant
- Form 23 Motion to Intervene as A Defendant
- Form 24 Request, Under Rule 34, for Production of Documents and Objects and for Entry Upon Land
- Form 25 Request for Admission Under Rule 36
- Form 26 Allegation of Reason for Omitting Party
- Form 28 Suggestion of Death Upon the Record Under Rule 25(A)(1)
- Form 29 Summons in Condemnation
- I Scope of Rules; One Form of Action
- II Commencement of Action; Service of Process, Pleadings, Motions and Orders
- III Pleadings and Motions
- Rule 7 Pleadings Allowed; Form of Motions
- Rule 8 General Rules of Pleading
- Rule 9 Pleading Special Matters
- Rule 10 Form of Pleadings
- Rule 11 Signing of Pleadings, Motions, and Other Papers; Representations to Court; Sanctions
- Rule 12 Defenses and Objections; When and How Presented; by Pleading or Motion; Motion for Judgment on Pleadings
- Rule 13 Counterclaim and Cross-Claim
- Rule 14 Third-Party Practice
- Rule 15 Amended and Supplemental Pleadings
- Rule 16 Pretrial Conferences; Scheduling; Management
- IV Parties
- Rule 17 Parties Plaintiff and Defendant; Capacity
- Rule 18 Joinder of Claims and Remedies
- Rule 19 Joinder of Persons Needed for Just Adjudication
- Rule 20 Permissive Joinder of Parties
- Rule 21 Misjoinder and Nonjoinder of Parties and Claims
- Rule 22 Interpleader
- Rule 23 Class Actions
- Rule 23.1 Derivative Actions by Shareholders
- Rule 23.2 Actions Relating to Unincorporated Associations
- Rule 24 Intervention; Notification of Claim of Unconstitutionality
- Rule 25 Substitution of Parties
- V Depositions and Discovery
- Rule 26 General Provisions Governing Discovery; Duty of Disclosure
- Rule 27 Depositions Before Action or Pending Appeal
- Rule 28 Persons Before Whom Depositions may be Taken
- Rule 29 Stipulations Regarding Discovery Procedure
- Rule 30 Depositions Upon Oral Examination
- Rule 31 Depositions Upon Written Questions
- Rule 32 Use of Depositions in Court Proceedings
- Rule 33 Interrogatories to Parties
- Rule 34 Production of Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Things and Entry Upon Land for Inspection and Other Purposes
- Rule 35 Physical and Mental Examination of Persons
- Rule 36 Requests for Admission
- Rule 37 Failure to Make Disclosures or Cooperate in Discovery; Sanctions
- VI Trials
- Rule 38 Jury Trial of Right
- Rule 39 Trial by Jury or by the Court
- Rule 39.1 Jury Trial; Jury Note Taking; Juror Notebooks
- Rule 39.2 Juror Questionnaires
- Rule 39.3 Copies of Instructions for Jurors
- Rule 39.4 Juror Questions for Witnesses
- Rule 40 Assignment of Cases for Trial or Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Rule 40.1 Transfer of Trial and Change of Judge
- Rule 41 Dismissal of Actions
- Rule 42 Consolidation; Separate Trials
- Rule 43 Evidence
- Rule 44.1 Determination of Foreign Law
- Rule 45 Subpoena
- Rule 46 Exceptions Unnecessary
- Rule 47 Trial Jurors
- Rule 48 Juries; Majority Verdict
- Rule 49 Special Verdicts and Interrogatories
- Rule 50 Judgment as a Matter of Law in Jury Trials; Alternative Motion for new Trial; Conditional Rulings
- Rule 51 Instructions to Jury; Objections
- Rule 52 Findings by the Court; Judgment on Partial Findings
- Rule 53 Masters
- VII Judgment
- Rule 54 Judgment; Costs
- Rule 55 Default
- Rule 56 Summary Judgment
- Rule 56.1 Summary Judgment-Required Statement of Material Facts
- Rule 57 Declaratory Judgment
- Rule 58 Entry of Judgment or Order
- Rule 59 New Trials; Amendment of Judgments
- Rule 60 Relief From Judgment or Order
- Rule 61 Harmless Error
- Rule 62 Stay of Proceedings to Enforce A Judgment
- Rule 63 Disability of A Judge
- VIII Provisional and Final Remedies and Special Proceedings
- Rule 64 Seizure of Person or Property
- Rule 65 Injunctions
- Rule 65.1 Security; Proceedings Against Sureties
- Rule 66 Receivers
- Rule 67 Deposit in Court
- Rule 68 Offer of Settlement
- Rule 69 Execution
- Rule 70 Judgment for Specific Acts; Vesting Title
- Rule 71 Process in Behalf of and Against Persons Not Parties
- Rule 71.1 Condemnation of Property
- X District Courts and Clerks
- Appendix of Forms