§ Form 23 Motion to Intervene as A Defendant

Form 23. Motion to Intervene as A Defendant

    State of Wyoming                                                              )                                           In the District Court

                                                                                                  )             ss                         First Judicial District

    County of Laramie                                                            )                                           Civil Action No. _______

    A.B.,                                                                                     )

                                                                       Plaintiff,            )

                                                                                                 )                                          MOTION TO

    v.                                                                                         )                                       INTERVENE AS

    C.D.,                                                                                  )                                         A DEFENDANT

                                                    Defendant,                       )

    E.F.,                                                                                   )

                                          Applicant for intervention.      )

    E. F. moves for leave to intervene as a defendant in this action, in order to assert the defenses set forth in his proposed answer, of which a copy is hereto attached, on the grounds (here state them) and as such has a defense to plaintiff's claim presenting both questions of law and of fact which are common to the main action.

         Signed: ________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                       Attorney for E. F., Applicant for intervention

     Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                      Notice of Motion

                                                                 (Contents the same as in Form 19)

    State of Wyoming                                       )                                         In the District Court

                                                                          )              ss                      First Judicial District

    County of Laramie                                     )                                       Civil Action No. _______

    A.B.,                                                              )

                                             Plaintiff,               )

    v.                                                                    )                                      INTERVENOR'S ANSWER

    C.D.,                                                              )

                                              Defendant,         )

    E.F.,                                                                )

                                                 Intervenor.        )

                                                                        First Defense

    Intervenor admits the allegations stated in paragraphs _______ and _______ of the complaint; denies the allegations in paragraphs _______ and _______.

                                                                       Second Defense

    (Set forth any defenses).

    Signed: ________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                                                Attorney for E. F., Intervenor

      Address: ________________________________________________________________________________