§ Rule 206.4 Rule to Show Cause Alternative Procedures
Rule 206.4. Rule to Show Cause. Alternative Procedures
(a) A petition shall proceed upon a rule to show cause, the issuance of which shall be discretionary with the court as provided by Rule 206.5 unless the court by local rule adopts the procedure of
Rule 206.6 providing for issuance as of course.
Note: See Rule 440 requiring service of the petition upon every other party to the action.
(b) The procedure following issuance of the rule to show cause shall be in accordance with Rule 206.7.
Note: Subdivisions (b) through (e) of Rule 239.2 require every court to promulgate Local Rule 206.4(c) describing the court's procedures for the issuance of a rule to show cause. Local Rule 206.4(c) shall be published on the Pennsylvania Judiciary's Web Application Portal (http://ujsportal.pacourts.us).