§ Rule 205.5 Cover Sheet
Rule 205.5. Cover Sheet
(a)(1) This rule shall apply to all actions governed by the rules of civil procedure except the following:
(i) actions pursuant to the Protection from Abuse Act, Rules 1901 et seq.
(ii) actions for support, Rules 1910.1 et seq.
(iii) actions for custody, partial custody and visitation of minor children, Rules 1915.1 et seq.
(iv) actions for divorce or annulment of marriage, Rules 1920.1 et seq.
(v) actions in domestic relations generally, including paternity actions, Rules 1930.1 et seq.
(vi) voluntary mediation in custody actions, Rules 1940.1 et seq.
(2) At the commencement of any action, the party initiating the action shall complete the cover sheet set forth in subdivision (e) and file it with the prothonotary.
Note: When a defendant in an action before a magisterial district court appeals the decision to the court of common pleas, the plaintiff in the action before the magisterial district court shall
complete the cover sheet when filing the complaint with the prothonotary.
(b) The prothonotary shall not accept a filing commencing an action without a completed cover sheet.
(c) The prothonotary shall assist a party appearing pro se in the completion of the form.
(d) A judicial district which has implemented an electronic filing system pursuant to Rule 205.4 and has promulgated those procedures pursuant to Rule 239.9 shall be exempt from the provisions
of this rule.
Note: Pa. R.C.P. No. 205.4 provides for electronic filing and service of legal papers. Rule 205.4(h) permits a judicial district which has implemented an electronic filing system to be exempt from the requirements of this rule provided that the information to be gathered by the cover sheet can be captured and transmitted to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts by the electronic filing system.
Pa. R.C.P. No. 239.9 provides for the promulgation of a local rule, numbered Local Rule 205.4, governing procedures for electronic filing specific to a judicial district.
(e) The Court Administrator of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Civil Procedural Rules Committee, shall design and publish the cover sheet. The latest version of the form shall be published on the website of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts at www.pacourts.us.
Note: Cover sheets developed by a judicial district may be used in addition to the cover sheet required by this rule. See Rule 239.1, which requires a court that uses local cover sheets to promulgate a local rule, numbered Local Rule 205.2(b), setting forth the form of cover sheet, and Rule 239.8 for the requirements for adopting Local Rule 205.2(b).