§ 5/4-121 Neglect of officer to take bond
§ 4-121. Neglect of officer to take bond.
If the sheriff fails to return a bond taken by virtue of the provisions of Part 1 of Article IV of this Act, or has neglected to take one when he or she ought to have done so, in any attachment entered under any of the provisions of Part 1 of Article IV of this Act, the plaintiff in the attachment may cause a rule to be entered at any time during the first 10 days after the day on which the order is returnable requiring the sheriff to return the bond; or in case no bond has been taken, to show cause why such bond was not taken. If the sheriff does not return the bond within one day thereafter, or show legal and sufficient cause why the bond has not been taken, judgment shall be entered against the sheriff for the amount of the plaintiff's claim, with costs of the action. Enforcement may thereupon be had after judgment is entered against the defendant in the attachment action.