§ 995.311 Execution of bond required on public works contract; verification of bond
§ 995.311. Execution of bond required on public works contract; verification of bond
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any bond required on a public works contract, as defined in Section 1101 of the Public Contract Code, shall be executed by an admitted surety insurer. A public agency approving the bond on a public works contract shall have a duty to verify that the bond is being executed by an admitted surety insurer.
(b) A public agency may fulfill its duty under subdivision (a) by verifying the status of the party executing the bond in one of the following ways:
(1) Printing out information from the website of the Department of Insurance confirming the surety is an admitted surety insurer and attaching it to the bond.
(2) Obtaining a certificate from the county clerk that confirms the surety is an admitted insurer and attaching it to the bond.