§ 204.1. Motion and Order Required
204.1. Motion and Order Required
(a) Motion. A party may--no later than 30 days before the end of any applicable discovery period--move for an order compelling another party to:
(1) submit to a physical or mental examination by a qualified physician or a mental examination by a qualified psychologist; or
(2) produce for such examination a person in the other party's custody, conservatorship or legal control.
(b) Service. The motion and notice of hearing must be served on the person to be examined and all parties.
(c) Requirements for Obtaining Order. The court may issue an order for examination only for good cause shown and only in the following circumstances:
(1) when the mental or physical condition (including the blood group) of a party, or of a person in the custody, conservatorship or under the legal control of a party, is in controversy; or
(2) except as provided in Rule 204.4, an examination by a psychologist may be ordered when the party responding to the motion has designated a psychologist as a testifying expert or has disclosed a psychologist's records for possible use at trial.
(d) Requirements of Order. The order must be in writing and must specify the time, place, manner, conditions, and scope of the examination and the person or persons by whom it is to be made.