§ 30.682. Preliminary breath screening test

30.682. Preliminary breath screening test

(1) Requirement. A person shall provide a sample of his or her breath for a preliminary breath screening test if a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that the person is violating or has violated the intoxicated boating law and if, prior to an arrest, the law enforcement officer requested the person to provide this sample.

(2) Use of test results. A law enforcement officer may use the results of a preliminary breath screening test for the purpose of deciding whether or not to arrest a person for a violation of the intoxicated boating law or for the purpose of deciding whether or not to request a chemical test under s. 30.684. Following the preliminary breath screening test, chemical tests may be required of the person under s. 30.684.

(3) Admissibility. The result of a preliminary breath screening test is not admissible in any action or proceeding except to show probable cause for an arrest, if the arrest is challenged, or to show that a chemical test was properly required of a person under s. 30.684.

(4) Refusal. There is no penalty for a violation of sub. (1). Section 30.80(1) and the general penalty provision under s. 939.61 do not apply to that violation.