§ 343.325. Courts to report appeals; when appeal stays suspension, revocation or disqualification
343.325. Courts to report appeals; when appeal stays suspension, revocation or disqualification
(1) If a person files a notice of appeal from a conviction the clerk of the court in which such conviction occurred, or the judge of a court not having a clerk, shall:
(a) Promptly forward to the department a certificate stating that such appeal has been taken; and
(b) If the appeal is subsequently dropped, promptly certify such fact to the department; and
(c) Upon determination of the appeal by the appellate court, promptly certify such decision to the department.
(2) Notwithstanding ss. 343.31, 343.315 and 343.32 and except as otherwise provided in sub. (4), the secretary shall not suspend or revoke a person's operating privilege or disqualify a person from operating a commercial motor vehicle on the basis of a conviction if the secretary receives from the court in which the conviction occurred a certificate stating that an appeal from the conviction has been taken. If the secretary receives such certificate after suspension or revocation of the operating privilege, the operating privilege shall be reinstated without requiring compliance with s. 343.38. If the secretary receives the certificate after suspension of the operating privilege or disqualification, the operating privilege or authorization to operate a commercial motor vehicle shall be reinstated automatically.
(3) Whenever suspension or revocation of an operating privilege or a disqualification has been withheld as provided in sub. (2) and the department receives notice that the conviction in question has been affirmed on appeal or that the appeal has been dropped, the secretary shall suspend or revoke such operating privilege or disqualify the person from operating a commercial motor vehicle on the same basis as if the appeal had not been taken, but the period of suspension, revocation or disqualification shall run from the date of suspension, revocation or disqualification following the affirmance of the conviction or dropping of the appeal, less any time the operating privilege had been suspended or revoked or the authorization to operate a commercial motor vehicle had been disqualified prior to the receipt by the secretary of the certificate under sub. (2).
(3m) Whenever the suspension or revocation of an operating privilege or a disqualification has been rescinded or withheld because of administrative action, an appeal, or a court order to reopen, stay or vacate a conviction, suspension, revocation or disqualification, and that suspension, revocation or disqualification is subsequently reimposed, the period of suspension, revocation or disqualification so reimposed shall be reduced by the period of suspension, revocation or disqualification previously served.
(4) If a person whose suspension, revocation or disqualification was stayed pursuant to sub. (2) is convicted of an offense for which revocation or disqualification is mandatory under s. 343.31 or 343.315, during the pendency of the appeal of the original conviction, the secretary shall forthwith revoke such person's operating privilege or disqualify the person from operating a commercial motor vehicle on account of the latter conviction, notwithstanding the appeal of either or both convictions.
(5) This section shall not prevent suspension or revocation of an operating privilege or a disqualification if there are grounds for suspension, revocation or disqualification other than the conviction in question.
(6)(a) If a court enters an order reopening, vacating or staying a conviction or a suspension or revocation of an operating privilege or a disqualification, the court shall promptly forward a copy of that order to the department.
(b) If there is subsequent court action affecting the order to reopen, vacate or stay, the court shall promptly notify the department of that action.
(7) The department, upon receipt of an order under sub. (6), shall proceed under this section as if an appeal had been taken.