§ 125.02. Definitions
125.02. Definitions
Except as otherwise provided, in this chapter:
(1) “Alcohol beverages” means fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquor.
(1m) “Barrel” means 31 U.S. gallons.
(2) “Brewer” means any person who manufactures fermented malt beverages for sale or transportation, except that “brewer” does not include a permittee under s. 125.295.
(2d) “Brewer group” means a brewer, including all premises for which the brewer holds a permit issued under s. 125.29, together with all of the following:
(a) All brewers that share membership with the brewer in a controlled group of brewers, as determined under 26 USC 5051(a)(2)(B).
(b) All brewers considered with the brewer as one taxpayer under 27 CFR 25.111b(b).
(c) All franchisees, as defined in s. 553.03(5), of the brewer.
(d) All franchisees, as defined in s. 553.03(5), of the brewer's franchisor, as defined in s. 553.03(6).
(e) The franchisor, as defined in s. 553.03(6), of the brewer.
(2h) “Brewpub” means a permittee under s. 125.295.
(2p) “Brewpub group” means a brewpub, including all premises for which the brewpub holds a permit issued under s. 125.295, together with all of the following:
(a) All brewpubs that share membership with the brewpub in a controlled group of brewpubs, as determined under 26 USC 5051(a)(2)(B).
(b) All brewpubs considered with the brewpub as one taxpayer under 27 CFR 25.111b(b).
(c) All franchisees, as defined in s. 553.03(5), of the brewpub.
(d) All franchisees, as defined in s. 553.03(5), of the brewpub's franchisor, as defined in s. 553.03(6).
(e) The franchisor, as defined in s. 553.03(6), of the brewpub.
(2t) “Brewpub premises” means any premises covered by a permit issued under s. 125.295.
(3) “Brewery premises” means all land and buildings used in the manufacture or sale of fermented malt beverages at a brewer's principal place of business.
(3m) “Campus” has the meaning given under s. 36.05(3).
(3r) “Caterer” means any person holding a restaurant permit under s. 254.64 who is in the business of preparing food and transporting it for consumption on premises where gatherings, meetings, or events are held, if the sale of food at each gathering, meeting, or event accounts for greater than 50 percent of the gross receipts of all of the food and beverages served at the gathering, meeting, or event.
(4) “Club” means an organization, whether incorporated or not, which is the owner, lessee or occupant of a building or portion thereof used exclusively for club purposes, which is operated solely for a recreational, fraternal, social, patriotic, political, benevolent or athletic purpose but not for pecuniary gain and which only sells alcohol beverages incidental to its operation.
(5) “Department” means the department of revenue.
(6) “Fermented malt beverages” means any beverage made by the alcohol fermentation of an infusion in potable water of barley malt and hops, with or without unmalted grains or decorticated and degerminated grains or sugar containing 0.5% or more of alcohol by volume.
(6m) “Homemade,” with respect to the making of wine and fermented malt beverages, means wine and fermented malt beverages made by a person's own efforts and not for a commercial purpose, but does not require that the wine or fermented malt beverages be made in the person's home.
(7) “Hotel” means a hotel, as defined in s. 254.61(3), that is provided with a restaurant.
(8) “Intoxicating liquor” means all ardent, spirituous, distilled or vinous liquors, liquids or compounds, whether medicated, proprietary, patented or not, and by whatever name called, containing 0.5% or more of alcohol by volume, which are beverages, but does not include “fermented malt beverages”.
(8m) “Legal drinking age” means 21 years of age.
(9) “License” means an authorization to sell alcohol beverages issued by a municipal governing body under this chapter.
(10) “Manufacturer” means a person, other than a rectifier, that ferments, manufactures or distills intoxicating liquor.
(11) “Municipality” means a city, village or town.
(12) “Peace officer” means a sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff, police officer, constable, marshal, deputy marshal or any employee of the department or of the department of justice authorized to act under this chapter.
(13) “Permit” means any permit issued by the department under this chapter.
(14) “Person” means a natural person, sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, corporation or association or the owner of a single-owner entity that is disregarded as a separate entity under ch. 71.
(14m) “Premises” means the area described in a license or permit.
(15) “Primary source of supply” means any of the following:
(a) With respect to fermented malt beverages, the brewer or brewpub that manufactured the fermented malt beverages or the exclusive agent designated by this brewer or brewpub.
(b) With respect to intoxicating liquor, the manufacturer, the rectifier, or the exclusive agent designated by the manufacturer or rectifier.
(15m) “Principal business” means the primary activity as determined by analyzing the amount of capital, labor, time, attention and floor space devoted to each business activity and by analyzing the sources of net income and gross income. The name, appearance and advertising of the entity may also be taken into consideration if they are given less weight.
(16) “Rectifier” means any one of the following:
(a) A person that rectifies, purifies or refines distilled spirits or wines by any process other than by original and continuous distillation from mash, wort or wash, through continuous closed vessels or pipes, until the manufacture thereof is complete.
(b) A person who possesses any still or leach tub or keeps any other apparatus for refining distilled spirits.
(c) A person who after rectifying and purifying distilled spirits, by mixing such spirits with any materials, manufactures any spurious, imitation or compound liquors for sale.
(d) A distiller or any person under substantially the same control as a distiller who, without rectifying, purifying or refining distilled spirits, by mixing such spirits with any materials, manufactures any spurious, imitation or compound liquors for sale under the name of “whiskey”, “brandy”, “gin”, “rum”, “spirits”, “cordials” or any other name.
(e) A person who places intoxicating liquor in bottles or other containers.
(17) “Regulation” means any rule or ordinance adopted by a municipal governing body.
(18) “Restaurant” means a restaurant, as defined in s. 254.61(5).
(19) “Retailer” means any person who sells, or offers for sale, any alcohol beverages to any person other than a person holding a permit or a license under this chapter.
(20) “Sell”, “sold”, “sale” or “selling” means any transfer of alcohol beverages with consideration or any transfer without consideration if knowingly made for purposes of evading the law relating to the sale of alcohol beverages or any shift, device, scheme or transaction for obtaining alcohol beverages, including the solicitation of orders for, or the sale for future delivery of, alcohol beverages.
(20m) “Underage person” means a person who has not attained the legal drinking age.
(21) “Wholesaler” means a person, other than a brewer, brewpub, manufacturer, or rectifier, who sells alcohol beverages to a licensed retailer or to another person who holds a permit to sell alcohol beverages at wholesale.
(22) “Wine” means products obtained from the normal alcohol fermentation of the juice or must of sound, ripe grapes, other fruits or other agricultural products, imitation wine, compounds sold as wine, vermouth, cider, perry, mead and sake, if such products contain not less than 0.5 percent nor more than 21 percent of alcohol by volume.
(23) “Wine collector” means an individual who meets the standards established by the department by rule and who is registered with the department as a collector of wine.