§ 6.03 Calculation and Allowance of Educational Credit
6.03. Calculation and Allowance of Educational Credit
(a) Calculation of 1 Hour. 50 minutes is equivalent to 1 credit hour.
(b) Carry-Over Prohibited. The CLE required to maintain active membership in The Florida Bar must be taken after the previous reporting period and within the current reporting period. CLER credit may not be counted for more than 1 reporting period and may not be carried forward to subsequent reporting periods.
(c) Evidence of Compliance. A reporting affidavit or notice of compliance showing participation in 30 hours of approved CLE including the 5-hour ethics, professionalism, mental illness awareness, or substance abuse requirement shall constitute compliance with CLER. Repeating a course during a member's CLER reporting cycle shall not be a basis for additional credit.