§ 4.04 Commencement of Proceedings

4.04. Commencement of Proceedings

    (a) Method. An appeal shall be commenced by filing a petition with the executive director of The Florida Bar, with a copy to the LSE director. A petition may be in the form of a letter.

    (b) Time. An appeal shall be commenced within 45 days of notice of the decision of the BLSE or RP. Failure to file timely shall constitute acceptance of the decision without further right of appeal. Notice shall be by certified mail.

    (c) Filing Fee. A fee of $500 payable to The Florida Bar shall be paid when the petition is filed.

    (d) Contents of Petition. The petition shall contain a statement identifying the decision of the BLSE or RP by its date and nature; a statement by the petitioner of the relief sought. The petition shall contain statements of fact, argument, and citations to authority.