§ 2.10 Approved Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
2.10. Approved Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
(a) Credit Approval. Unless otherwise specified below, the evaluation and accreditation of CLE activities for board certification is the responsibility of the certification committees and shall be set forth in committee policies.
(b) Grade Review Panel Service. Participation on a grade review panel shall entitle a member to certification credit equal to the amount of time devoted to review of the examination question(s), model answer(s), and petition(s), provided the maximum amount does not exceed 5 credit hours per petition.
(c) Exam Question and Model Answer Drafting. Preparation of certification exam questions and corresponding model answers shall entitle a member to certification credit equal to the amount of time devoted to such activity provided the maximum amount does not exceed 15 credit hours per year. If such activity occurs in connection with service on a certification committee, the certification committee chair shall determine appropriate credit for each member in an amount not to exceed 15 credit hours per year. A maximum of 5 credit hours in ethics may be allocated as part of the 15 credit hours if the content of the question and model answer otherwise complies with the standards for ethics credit approval set forth elsewhere in these policies.
(d) Proof of Completion. Applicants shall certify attendance and completion of all programs they list toward meeting the
educational requirements on the application.
(e) Overlap of Hours. Attorneys who certify more than 1 area may overlap credit hours provided the hours are approved for the areas to which they are applied.