§ 2.03 New Area Requests
2.03. New Area Requests
(a) Presentation. Any request for a new area shall be presented to the BLSE. As the BLSE directs, staff will:
(1) poll the appropriate sections and committees of the bar for their input;
(2) contact other state bars or national certification organizations offering the same or similar specialization area; and/or
(3) notify the membership of the request by publication in 2 consecutive issues of The Florida Bar News. The membership shall be given 30 days from the date of second publication in which to respond.
(b) Consideration. Guidelines for consideration of new areas include:
(1) that a certification area be as broad as possible and beneficial to the public;
(2) that the selection of a certification area not be based upon its individual budgetary impact, but as a part of the whole certification program;
(3) that the minimum number of members projected to attain certification within the first 3 years of implementation be no less than 75; and
(4) that procedures to set up new areas of certification be initiated by:
(A) petition of 25 or more members of The Florida Bar;
(B) petition of a recognized section of The Florida Bar; or
(C) petition of a substantive law standing committee of The Florida Bar.
(c) Preparation of Standards. The BLSE shall review all information received. If there are sufficient facts to support
establishment of the area, the BLSE shall direct staff to assist the requestor in the preparation of standards. Upon completion, the standards will be reviewed by the BLSE before submission to the program evaluation committee and the board of governors for approval pursuant to rule 6-3.1(a), rules governing the Florida certification plan.