§ 2-507. Charging documents

2-507. Charging documents


(a) An indictment, information, or other charging document for a crime under this subtitle is sufficient if it substantially states:

(1) “(name of defendant) on (date) in (county) committed homicide by motor vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol by killing (name of victim) against the peace, government, and dignity of the State.”;

(2) “(name of defendant) on (date) in (county) committed homicide by motor vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol per se by killing (name of victim) against the peace, government, and dignity of the State.”;

(3) “(name of defendant) on (date) in (county) committed homicide by motor vehicle or vessel while impaired by alcohol by killing (name of victim) against the peace, government, and dignity of the State.”;

(4) “(name of defendant) on (date) in (county) committed homicide by motor vehicle or vessel while impaired by drugs by killing (name of victim) against the peace, government, and dignity of the State.”; or

(5) “(name of defendant) on (date) in (county) committed homicide by motor vehicle or vessel while impaired by a controlled dangerous substance by killing (name of victim) against the peace, government, and dignity of the State.”.

Manner or means of death

(b) An indictment, information, or other charging document for a crime under this subtitle need not set forth the manner or means of death.