§ 9-30-4-9 Citation on complaint; hearing; notice; suspension, revocation, of restricted license; failure to appear; evidence; review; modification, amendment, or cancellation of order

9-30-4-9 Citation on complaint; hearing; notice; suspension, revocation, of restricted license; failure to appear; evidence; review; modification, amendment, or cancellation of order

Sec. 9. (a) Upon the filing of a complaint in writing with the bureau against a person holding a current driver's license or applying for a current driver's license or a renewal, the bureau may cite the person for a hearing to consider the suspension or revocation of the license upon any of the following charges:

(1) That the person has committed an offense for the conviction of which mandatory revocation of license is provided.

(2) That the person has, by reckless or unlawful operation of a motor vehicle, caused or contributed to an accident resulting in death or injury to any other person or property damage.

(3) That the person is incompetent to drive a motor vehicle or is afflicted with mental or physical infirmities or disabilities rendering it unsafe for the person to drive a motor vehicle.

(4) That the person is a reckless or negligent driver of a motor vehicle or has committed a violation of a motor vehicle law.

(b) Whenever the bureau issues a citation upon a complaint in writing for any of the reasons set out in this section, the bureau shall immediately notify the licensee or permit holder of the time and place of the hearing and afford the person an opportunity of a hearing in the county in which the person so cited and against whom the complaint is filed resides before the bureau or a deputy or an agent of the bureau designated for the purpose of the hearing. The citation must state the time, date, and place where the hearing will be held and that the licensee or permit holder has the right to appear and to be heard. At the hearing the bureau or the deputy or agent may issue an order of suspension or revocation or decline to suspend, revoke, or issue the license or permit.

(c) The bureau or the deputy or agent may suspend or revoke the current driver's license of a person and any of the certificates of registration and license plates for a motor vehicle or require the person cited to operate for a period of one (1) year under a restricted license and make the reports the bureau requires.

(d) The bureau or the deputy or agent may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and take testimony. The failure of the defendant to appear at the time and place of the hearing after notice as provided in this section does not prevent the hearing, the taking of testimony, and the determination of the matter.

(e) Testimony or a record of suspension or revocation of a current driver's license in the custody of the bureau following a hearing is not admissible as evidence:

(1) in any court in any action at law for negligence; or

(2) in any civil action brought against a person so cited by the bureau under this chapter.

(f) The bureau may suspend or revoke the license of an Indiana resident for a period of not more than one (1) year upon receiving notice of the conviction of the person in another state of an offense that, if committed in Indiana, would be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the license. The bureau may, upon receiving a record of the conviction in Indiana of a nonresident driver of a motor vehicle of an offense under Indiana motor vehicle laws, forward a certified copy of the record to the motor vehicle administrator in the state where the person convicted is a resident.

(g) The bureau may not suspend a current driver's license for more than one (1) year and upon suspending or revoking any license shall require that the license be surrendered to the bureau.

(h) A suspension or revocation under this section stands pending any proceeding for review of an action of the bureau taken under this section.

(i) In addition to any other power, the bureau may modify, amend, or cancel any order or determination during the time within which a judicial review could be had. A person aggrieved by the order or act may have a judicial review under sections 10 and 11 of this chapter.