§ 9-30-4-8 Operation of motor vehicle following suspension of certificate of registration, or in violation of a restricted license; Class C misdemeanor

9-30-4-8 Operation of motor vehicle following suspension of certificate of registration, or in violation of a restricted license; Class C misdemeanor

Sec. 8. (a) A person whose certificate of registration has been suspended or revoked, with restoration or the issuance of a new certificate being contingent upon the furnishing of proof of financial responsibility and who, during the suspension or revocation or in the absence of full authorization from the bureau, operates the motor vehicle upon a highway or knowingly permits the motor vehicle to be operated by another person upon a highway except as permitted under this chapter commits a Class C misdemeanor.

(b) A person with a restricted license issued by the bureau who operates a motor vehicle upon a highway in violation of the terms and conditions specified on the restricted license commits a Class C misdemeanor.