§ 15-133. Rules for safe operation. Operation of vessel while under the influence of liquor or drugs. Penalties. Records of conviction

15-133. Rules for safe operation. Operation of vessel while under the influence of liquor or drugs. Penalties. Records of conviction

(a) The rules prescribed by this section shall apply on all state and federal waters.

(b) No person shall use a vessel in a manner that unreasonably or unnecessarily interferes with free and proper navigation. Anchoring under a bridge, in a narrow channel or in a congested water not designated as an anchorage area is such interference, except in case of emergency.

(c) No person shall alter, deface or remove any capacity information label affixed to any vessel.

(d) No person shall operate a vessel: (1) While under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug, or both, or (2) while such person has an elevated blood alcohol content. For the purposes of this section and sections 15-140l and 15-140n, “elevated blood alcohol content” means: (A) A ratio of alcohol in the blood of such person that is eight-hundredths of one per cent or more of alcohol, by weight, or (B) if such person is under twenty-one years of age, a ratio of alcohol in the blood of such person that is two-hundredths of one per cent or more of alcohol, by weight. For the purposes of this section and sections 15-132a, 15-140l, 15-140n, 15-140o and 15-140q, “operate” means that the vessel is underway or aground and not moored, anchored or docked.

(e) In any prosecution for a violation of subdivision (1) of subsection (d) of this section, evidence concerning the amount of alcohol in the defendant's blood or urine at the time of the alleged offense, as shown by a chemical analysis of the defendant's blood, breath or urine, otherwise admissible under subsection (a) of section 15-140r, shall be admissible only at the request of the defendant.

(f) No person shall operate a vessel or engage in any activity contrary to the regulations adopted by the commissioner.

(g) No person shall moor a vessel to, obstruct, remove, damage or destroy any navigation aid or any device used to mark a restricted area.

(h) Any person who violates the provisions of subsection (d) of this section shall: (1) For conviction of a first violation, (A) be fined not less than five hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars, and (B) be (i) imprisoned not more than six months, forty-eight consecutive hours of which may not be suspended or reduced in any manner, or (ii) imprisoned not more than six months, with the execution of such sentence of imprisonment suspended entirely and a period of probation imposed requiring as a condition of such probation that such person perform one hundred hours of community service, as defined in section 14-227e, and (C) have such person's safe boating certificate or certificate of personal watercraft operation, if any, or right to operate a vessel that requires a safe boating certificate for operation suspended for one year; (2) for conviction of a second violation not later than ten years after a prior conviction for the same offense, (A) be fined not less than one thousand dollars or more than four thousand dollars, (B) be imprisoned not more than two years, one hundred twenty consecutive days of which may not be suspended or reduced in any manner, and sentenced to a period of probation requiring as a condition of such probation that such person perform one hundred hours of community service, as defined in section 14-227e, and (C) have such person's safe boating certificate or certificate of personal watercraft operation, if any, or right to operate a vessel that requires a safe boating certificate for operation suspended for three years or until the date of such person's twenty-first birthday, whichever is longer; and (3) for conviction of a third and subsequent violation not later than ten years after a prior conviction for the same offense, (A) be fined not less than two thousand dollars or more than eight thousand dollars, (B) be imprisoned not more than three years, one year of which may not be suspended or reduced in any manner, and sentenced to a period of probation requiring as a condition of such probation that such person perform one hundred hours of community service, as defined in section 14-227e, and (C) have such person's safe boating certificate or certificate of personal watercraft operation, if any, or right to operate a vessel that requires a safe boating certificate for operation permanently revoked upon such third offense.

(i) The suspension of a safe boating certificate or certificate of personal watercraft operation or right to operate a vessel that requires a safe boating certificate for operation imposed under subsection (h) of this section shall take effect immediately upon expiration of any period in which an appeal of any conviction under subsection (d) of this section may be taken, provided if an appeal is taken, the suspension shall be stayed during the pendency of such appeal. If the suspension or revocation takes effect, the defendant shall return, not later than the second business day after the suspension or revocation takes effect, by personal delivery or first class mail, the safe boating certificate or certificate of personal watercraft operation issued to the defendant.

(j) Any person who violates the provisions of subsection (b) of this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars. Any person who violates the provisions of subsection (c) or (g) of this section shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars and not more than five hundred dollars. Any person who violates any of the provisions of subsection (f) of this section shall have committed an infraction.

(k) (1) A record shall be kept by the Superior Court of any conviction relating to the operation of a vessel. A summary of such record, with a statement of the number of the operator's safe boating certificate or certificate of personal watercraft operation shall, not later than five days after such conviction, forfeiture or any other disposition or nolle, be transmitted to the commissioner by such court. Each court shall report each conviction under subsection (d) of this section to the commissioner. The commissioner shall suspend the safe boating certificate or certificate of personal watercraft operation of the person reported as convicted for the period of time required by subsection (h) of this section.

(2) The safe boating certificate, right to operate a vessel that requires a safe boating certificate for operation or certificate of personal watercraft operation of a person found guilty under subsection (d) of this section who is under eighteen years of age shall be suspended by the commissioner for the period of time set forth in subsection (h) of this section, or until such person attains the age of eighteen years, whichever period is longer.