§ 17C-5C-3 Jurisdiction of Office of Administrative Hearings

§ 17C-5C-3. Jurisdiction of Office of Administrative Hearings

    The Office of Administrative Hearings jurisdiction to hear and determine all:

    (1) Appeals from an order of the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles suspending a license pursuant to section eight, article two-B, chapter seventeen-B of this code;

    (2) Appeals from decisions or orders of the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles suspending or revoking a license pursuant to sections three-c, six and twelve, article three, chapter seventeen-B of this code;

    (3) Appeals from orders of the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles pursuant to section two, article five-A, of this chapter, revoking or suspending a license under the provisions of section one of this article or section seven, article five of chapter;

    (4) Appeals from decisions or orders of the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles denying, suspending, revoking, refusing to renew any license or imposing any civil money penalty for violating the provisions of any licensing law contained in chapters seventeen-B and seventeen-c that are administered by the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles; and

    (5) Other matters which may be conferred on the office by statute or legislatively approved rules.