§ 39:4-60 Soliciting trade or contributions prohibited; designation of particular highway as hazardous for such purposes; signs
39:4-60. Soliciting trade or contributions prohibited; designation of particular highway as hazardous for such purposes; signs
Except as provided herein, no person shall stand in the roadway of a highway to stop, impede, hinder or delay the progress of a vehicle for the purpose of soliciting the purchase of goods, merchandise or tickets, or for the purpose of soliciting contributions for any cause, and the only question of law and fact in determining guilt under this section shall be whether goods, merchandise or tickets were tendered or offered for sale, or whether a contribution was solicited.
A municipal governing body by ordinance may authorize charitable organizations as defined in section 3 of P.L.1994, c. 16 (C. 45:17A-20) to solicit contributions in the roadway of a highway, other than interstate highways or toll roads maintained pursuant to P.L.1962, c. 10 (C. 27:12C-1 et seq.) or P.L.1991, c. 252 (C. 27:25A-1 et seq.), P.L.1952, c. 16 (C. 27:12B-1 et seq.), or P.L.1948, c. 454 (C. 27:23-1 et seq.), subject to regulations promulgated pursuant to the “Administrative Procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c. 410 (C. 52:14B-1 et seq.), by the Department of Transportation in consultation with the Division of Highway Traffic Safety.
A municipality shall not authorize charitable organizations to solicit on any county highway or intersection of a county highway without the approval of the board of chosen freeholders. A municipality shall not authorize charitable organizations to solicit on any State highway or intersection of a State highway without the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation. The board of chosen freeholders and the Commissioner of Transportation shall not unreasonably withhold approval.
In addition to the prohibition contained in the first paragraph of this section, whenever in his judgment the public safety so requires, the Commissioner of Transportation may, by regulation, designate any highway or sections of any highway as a location wherein the standing of any person or the parking of any vehicle for the purpose of soliciting the purchase of goods, merchandise or tickets, or for the purpose of soliciting contributions for any cause, is deemed hazardous or inimical to the proper flow of traffic, and shall be prohibited. Each highway or section thereof so designated shall be clearly marked by appropriate signs which shall be erected and maintained by the authority having the responsibility for the maintenance of such highway, upon receipt by such authority of written notice from the director of the adoption of such regulation. No person shall stand in, and no operator shall allow a vehicle to stand in, any section of a highway so designated and marked to stop, impede, hinder or delay the progress of a vehicle for the purpose of soliciting the purchase of goods, merchandise or tickets, or for the purpose of soliciting contributions for any cause, and the only question of law and fact in determining guilt under this section shall be whether goods, merchandise or tickets were tendered or
offered for sale, or whether a contribution was solicited. Whenever in his judgment the public safety so requires the Commissioner of Transportation may, by regulation, amend or alter any designation made by him pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to authorize or permit any person to stand in or to allow a vehicle to stand in any highway where the same is or shall be prohibited by any other provision of this Title or by any amendment thereof or supplement thereto, or by any ordinance, resolution, regulation or order duly adopted pursuant to authority thereunder.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall pay, upon conviction, a penalty not to exceed $100.