§ 2731 Duty of courts and police officers

§ 2731. Duty of courts and police officers

    (a) Every court and police officer having jurisdiction over offenses committed under any law of this State regulating the operation of motor vehicles on highways shall forward to the Department a record of the conviction of any person in any court for a violation of any of such laws within 30 days of the disposition of the case and may recommend the suspension of the driver's license of the person so convicted. The Department shall thereupon consider and act upon such recommendation in such manner as it deems best.

    (b) The clerk or Prothonotary of every court shall forward to the Department or its successor, a record of the name and address of each convicted person who shall have been sentenced to pay a fine, costs or both a fine and costs and who has failed to pay at the time sentence was imposed or in accordance with an order of the court. Whenever a convicted person who has not paid a fine, costs or both at the time sentence was imposed shall pay, the clerk or Prothonotary shall provide the convicted person with a receipt confirming that the fine, costs or both have been paid so that the receipt may be presented to the Department, or its successor, as notice that the fine, costs or both have been paid.

    (c) The voluntary assessment center shall forward to the Department or its successor a record of the name and address of each person who has been given a Uniform Traffic Complaint and Summons on which a voluntary assessment was permitted pursuant to § 709 of this title and who: 1) has failed to pay the voluntary assessment within 30 days from the date of arrest; and 2) has not notified the court or voluntary assessment center with 30 days from the date of arrest, in writing, that the person wishes to have a hearing on the charge stated in the Uniform Traffic Complaint and Summons; or 3) has failed to appear at trial on such charge(s) on the time and date required by the court; or 4) has failed to pay the fine on such charge(s) in accordance with a deferred payment order, the Department or its successor shall: 1) if the person is a resident of this State, forthwith suspend the person's license until the person provides evidence to the Department that the fine has been paid, or that the person has appeared before the court and made arrangements to take care of the charge(s); or has been adjudicated not guilty; and 2) if the person is a nonresident of this State, the Department may suspend the person's driving privileges in this State and immediately advise the motor vehicle administrator of the state wherein the person is a resident that the person's license to drive be suspended until the person provides evidence that the fine has been paid, or that the person has appeared before the curt [FN1] and made arrangements to take care of the charge(s) or has been adjudicated not guilty.

    [FN1] So in original. Probably should be “court”.