§ 66-13-10 Administration of chemical test; payment of costs; additional tests

§ 66-13-10. Administration of chemical test; payment of costs; additional tests

    A. Only the persons authorized by the Boating While Intoxicated Act shall withdraw blood from a person for the purpose of
determining its alcohol or drug content. This limitation does not apply to the taking of samples of breath.

    B. The person tested shall be advised by the law enforcement officer of the person's right to be given an opportunity to arrange for a physician, licensed professional or practical nurse or laboratory technician or technologist who is employed by a hospital or physician of his own choosing to perform a chemical test in addition to a test performed at the direction of a law enforcement officer.

    C. Upon the request of the person tested, full information concerning the test performed at the direction of the law enforcement officer shall be made available to him as soon as it is available from the person performing the test.

    D. The agency represented by the law enforcement officer at whose direction the chemical test is performed shall pay for the chemical test.

    E. If a person exercises his right under Subsection B of this section to have a chemical test performed upon him by a person of his own choosing, the cost of that test shall be paid by the agency represented by the law enforcement officer at whose direction a chemical test was administered pursuant to Section 8 of the Boating While Intoxicated Act.