§ 484C.600 Creation; appointment and qualifications of members; meetings; quorum; appeal from decision of Committee
484C.600. Creation; appointment and qualifications of members; meetings; quorum; appeal from decision of Committee
1. There is hereby created the Committee on Testing for Intoxication, consisting of five members.
2. The Director of the Department of Public Safety or his or her delegate is the Chair of the Committee. The remaining members of the Committee are appointed by the Director and serve at the pleasure of the Director. At least three of the members appointed by the Director must be technically qualified in fields related to testing for intoxication. Not more than three members of the Committee may be from any one county.
3. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Director of the Department of Public Safety and as frequently as the Committee deems necessary. Three members of the Committee constitute a quorum. If a member is unable to attend a meeting, the member may be represented by an alternate approved by the Director.
4. Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Committee may appeal in writing to a hearing officer of the Department of Public Safety.