§ 66-8-116.3 Penalty assessment misdemeanors; additional fees
§ 66-8-116.3. Penalty assessment misdemeanors; additional fees
In addition to the penalty assessment established for each penalty assessment misdemeanor, there shall be assessed:
A. in a county without a metropolitan court, twenty dollars ($20.00) to help defray the costs of local government corrections;
B. a court automation fee of ten dollars ($10.00);
C. a traffic safety fee of three dollars ($3.00), which shall be credited to the traffic safety education and enforcement fund;
D. a judicial education fee of three dollars ($3.00), which shall be credited to the judicial education fund;
E. a jury and witness fee of five dollars ($5.00), which shall be credited to the jury and witness fee fund;
F. a juvenile adjudication fee of one dollar ($1.00), which shall be credited to the juvenile adjudication fund;
G. a brain injury services fee of five dollars ($5.00), which shall be credited to the brain injury services fund;
H. a court facilities fee as follows:
in a county with a metropolitan court $24.00;
in any other county 10.00;
I. until May 31, 2014, a magistrate courts operations fee of four dollars ($4.00), which shall be credited to the magistrate courts operations fund.