§ 291E-31 Notice of administrative revocation; effect
§ 291E-31. Notice of administrative revocation; effect
As used in this part, the notice of administrative revocation:
(1) Establishes that the respondent's license and privilege to operate a vehicle in the State or on or in the waters of the State shall be terminated:
(A) Thirty days after the date the notice of administrative revocation is issued in the case of an alcohol related offense;
(B) Forty-four days after the date the notice of administrative revocation is issued in the case of a drug related offense; or
(C) Such later date as is established by the director under section 291E-38,
if the director administratively revokes the respondent's license and privilege;
(2) Establishes that the registration of any motor vehicle registered to a respondent who is a repeat intoxicated driver shall be terminated thirty days after the date of an arrest pursuant to section 291E-33(c);
(3) Establishes the date on which administrative revocation proceedings against the respondent were initiated;
(4) Serves as a temporary permit, if applicable, to operate a vehicle as provided in section 291E-33; and
(5) Notifies the respondent that the respondent shall keep an ignition interlock device installed and operating in any vehicle the respondent operates during the revocation period if the respondent had a valid license at the time of the arrest.