§ 291E-4 Convictions and acts prior to January 1, 2002

§ 291E-4. Convictions and acts prior to January 1, 2002

    (a) Any:

        (1) Conviction for an offense under section 200-81, 291-4, 291-4.4, or 291-7 as those sections were in effect on December 31, 2001;

        (2) Conviction in any other state or federal jurisdiction for an offense that is comparable to operating or being in physical control of a vehicle while having either an unlawful alcohol concentration or an unlawful drug content in the blood or urine or while under the influence of an intoxicant; or

        (3) Adjudication of a minor for a law violation that, if committed by an adult, would constitute a violation of section 200-81, 291-4, 291-4.4, 291-4.5, or 291-7 as those sections were in effect on December 31, 2001; shall be counted as a prior offense for purposes of section 291E-41, 291E-61, or 291E-61.5.

    (b) Any conviction of an offense under section 291-4, 291-4.4, 291-4.5, or 291-7 as those sections were in effect on December 31, 2001, shall be counted for purposes of imposing sentence for a violation under section 291E-62.