§ 287-9 Duration of suspension

§ 287-9. Duration of suspension

    The license and permit suspended as provided in section 287-6 shall remain so suspended and shall not be renewed nor shall any new license or permit be issued to any of such persons until:

    (1) The person whose license or permit is suspended deposits or there is deposited on the person's behalf the security required under section 287-6; or

    (2) Two years have elapsed following the date of the suspension and evidence satisfactory to the administrator has been filed with the administrator that during such period no action for damages arising out of the accident has been commenced; or

    (3) Evidence satisfactory to the administrator has been filed with the administrator of a release of the driver from liability, or a final adjudication of nonliability of the driver, or a duly acknowledged written agreement, in accordance with section 287-8(5); provided, in the event there is any default in the payment of any installment under any duly acknowledged written agreement, then upon notice of the default, the administrator shall forthwith suspend the license of the person defaulting thereunder which shall not be restored unless and until (A) the person deposits and thereafter maintains security as required under section 287-6 in such amount as the administrator may then determine, or (B) two years have elapsed following the date when such security was required and during such period no action upon the agreement has been instituted for enforcement thereof.