§ 2605 Suspension on nonappearance or nonpayment of fine

§ 2605. Suspension on nonappearance or nonpayment of fine

    1. Suspension by clerk. If a person fails to appear in court on the date and time specified in response to a Uniform Summons and Complaint, a summons, a condition of bail or order of court for any criminal violation of Title 23, section 1980; a civil violation under Title 28-A, section 2052; or any criminal provision of this Title, or for any further appearance ordered by the court, including one for the payment of a fine, either in person or by counsel, or fails to pay a fine imposed for a criminal traffic offense, the clerk shall suspend the person's license or permit, the right to operate a motor vehicle in this State and the right to apply for or obtain a license or permit. The court shall immediately notify that person of the suspension by regular mail or personal service. Written notice is sufficient if sent to the person's last known address.

    If a person who is not an individual fails to appear or pay a fine in a criminal traffic offense, the clerk shall suspend the registration of the motor vehicle involved in the offense or that person's right to operate that vehicle in the State.

    2. Notification of Secretary of State. Upon suspension under subsection 1 of a person's license or permit, the right to operate a motor vehicle in this State and the right to apply for or obtain a license or permit, the court shall notify the Secretary of State that the court has ordered the suspension. The Secretary of State shall immediately record the suspension.

    3. Effect of suspension. A court-ordered suspension has the same force and effect as a suspension by the Secretary of State. The suspension remains in effect until the person appears, either in person or by counsel, or pays the fine.

    4. Rescission of suspension. On appearances or payment of the fine, whichever was the basis for the suspension, and on the condition of payment of a $50 reinstatement fee pursuant to section 2486, subsection 1 to the Secretary of State, the clerk of the court in which the suspension was ordered shall rescind the suspension and notify the Secretary of State who, upon receipt of the $50 reinstatement fee, shall delete any record of the suspension from that person's driving record.