§ 2526 Drug recognition experts
§ 2526. Drug recognition experts
1. Training program. The board of trustees of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy shall establish:
A. A program that meets the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration guidelines for training and certification of drug recognition experts; and
B. Eligibility standards for admission of law enforcement officers to the program that are consistent with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration guidelines and that ensure that trainees are:
(1) Law enforcement officers who have demonstrated proficiency and experience in standardized field sobriety testing and the ability to complete the training and function as drug recognition experts; and
(2) Employed by law enforcement agencies that have the facilities, equipment and other resources necessary for the effective functioning of drug recognition experts.
2. Selection of trainees. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall select for training as drug recognition experts members of the State Police and other law enforcement officers who meet the eligibility requirements.
3. Qualifications. Only those law enforcement officers who successfully complete the training and certification program
established under this section may conduct drug impairment assessments and offer testimony as drug recognition experts under section 2525.