§ 2434 Notice of suspension by court

§ 2434. Notice of suspension by court

    The following provisions apply to any conviction for OUI or for any offense for which the court suspends a license or registration.

    1. Notification by court. The court shall inform the defendant of the suspension.

    2. Acknowledgement of receipt of notice. The defendant shall acknowledge this notice in writing on a form provided by the court.

    3. Physical custody of license. Unless the defendant appeals and a stay of execution of the suspension is granted, the court shall take physical custody of a license issued by this State or another state, foreign country or province if that person is residing or employed in this State. The court may take a license issued by another state, foreign country or province if the person is not residing or employed in this State.

    4. Stay of suspension. The court, on reasonable cause shown, may stay a suspension for a period not to exceed 4 hours from the time of sentencing and issue evidence of that stay, unless the defendant demonstrates that the defendant's license was previously restored by the Secretary of State following an administrative suspension under section 2453 for operating under the influence based on the same facts and circumstances giving rise to the court-ordered suspension, in which case the court may stay a suspension for up to 7 days.

    5. Forward documents to Secretary of State. The court shall forward the license, a copy of the sentence and the
acknowledgement of notice to the Secretary of State.

    6. Order return of certificate and plates. The court shall order the return of the suspended registration certificate and plates to the Secretary of State.

    7. Additional time to surrender license. On reasonable cause shown, the court may allow a person who does not possess the license at the time of sentencing up to 96 hours to surrender that license.

    8. Commencement of suspension. Notwithstanding section 2482, subsection 4, the period of suspension commences immediately on announcement of sentence. Two additional days of suspension must be added for each day after the license surrender day that a person fails to surrender the license to the court.

    9. Waiver of reinstatement fee. On motion and for good cause shown, the court ordering a suspension under section 2605 or 2608 may waive the reinstatement fee.

    10. Failure to sign acknowledgment of notice or surrender license. A person commits a Class E crime if that person:

        A. Refuses to sign the acknowledgment of notice; or

        B. Without good cause, fails to surrender a license within the period of suspension.

    Violation of this subsection is a strict liability crime as defined in Title 17-A, section 34, subsection 4-A.