§ 21-905 High-risk driving by holder of provisional driver

§ 21-905. High-risk driving by holder of provisional driver’s license

                                               High-risk driving

    (a) A holder of a provisional driver's license who is under the age of 18 years is guilty of high-risk driving if the holder of the
provisional license commits any of the following violations:

        (1) § 21-901.1 of this subtitle (Reckless and negligent driving);

        (2) § 21-901.2 of this subtitle (Aggressive driving); or

        (3) § 21-1116 of this title (Race or speed contest prohibited).

                                              Suspension of license

    (b)(1) If the individual is convicted of a violation specified in subsection (a) of this section, the Administration shall suspend the individual's driver's license:

            (i) For a first offense, for 6 months; and

            (ii) For a second or subsequent offense, for 1 year.

        (2) An individual subject to a license suspension under this subsection may request a hearing as provided for a suspension or revocation under Title 12, Subtitle 2 of this article.