§ 55-10-420 Ignition interlock provider; evidence of violation; report
§ 55-10-420. Ignition interlock provider; evidence of violation; report
Any licensed ignition interlock provider providing a functioning ignition interlock device to a person pursuant to this part shall report to the board of probation and parole, or any other agency, department, program, group, private entity or association that is responsible for the supervision of a person who is ordered to drive only a motor vehicle with a functioning ignition interlock device installed on such vehicle as a condition of such person's probation, any evidence of such person's:
(1) Altering, tampering with, bypassing, or removing a functioning ignition interlock device;
(2) Failing to abide by the terms or conditions ordered by the court, including, but not limited to, failing to appear for scheduled monitoring visits; and
(3) Attempting to start the motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.