§ 1220a DUI enforcement special fund

§ 1220a. DUI enforcement special fund

    (a) There is created a DUI enforcement special fund which shall be a special fund established and managed pursuant to 32 V.S.A. chapter 7, subchapter 5. The DUI enforcement special fund shall be a continuation of and successor to the DUI enforcement special fund established under subsection 1205(r) of this title.

    (b) The DUI enforcement special fund shall consist of:

        (1) receipts from the surcharges assessed under section 206 and subsections 674(i), 1091(d), 1094(f), 1128(d), 1133(d), 1205(r), and 1210(k) of this title;

        (2) beginning in fiscal year 2000 and thereafter, the first $150,000.00 of revenues collected from fines imposed under subchapter 13 of chapter 13 of this title pertaining to DUI related offenses;

        (3) beginning in fiscal year 2000 and thereafter, two percent of the revenues raised by the motor fuel tax on gasoline imposed by chapter 28 of this title; and

        (4) any additional funds transferred or appropriated by the general assembly.

    (c) The DUI enforcement special fund shall be used for the implementation and enforcement of this subchapter for purposes specified and in amounts appropriated by the general assembly. Effort shall be given to awarding grants to municipalities or law enforcement agencies for innovative programs designed to reduce DUI offenses, and priority shall be given to grants requested jointly by more than one law enforcement agency or municipality.