§ 321J.1A Drunk driving public education campaign-pamphlets

321J.1A. Drunk driving public education campaign--pamphlets

    1. The department of public safety, the governor's traffic safety bureau, the state department of transportation, the governor, and the attorney general shall cooperate in an ongoing public education campaign to inform the citizens of this state of the dangers and the specific legal consequences of driving drunk in this state. The entities shall use their best efforts to utilize all available opportunities for making public service announcements on television and radio broadcasts, and to obtain and utilize federal funds for highway safety and other grants in conducting the public education campaign.

    2. The department shall publish pamphlets containing the criminal and administrative penalties for drunk driving, and related laws, rules, instructions, and explanatory matter. This information may be included in publications containing information related to other motor vehicle laws, issued pursuant to section 321.15. Copies of the pamphlets shall be given wide distribution, and a supply shall be made available to each county treasurer.