§ 32-5A-191.4. Ignition interlock devices

32-5A-191.4. Ignition interlock devices.

(a) As used in Section 32-5A-191, the term, “ignition interlock device” means a constant monitoring device that prevents a motor vehicle from being started at any time without first determining the equivalent blood alcohol level of the operator through the taking of a breath sample for testing. The system shall be calibrated so that the motor vehicle may not be started if the blood alcohol level of the operator, as measured by the test, reaches a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.02.

(b) The ignition interlock device shall be installed, calibrated, and monitored directly by trained technicians who shall train the offender for whom the device is being installed in the proper use of the device. The use of a mail in or remote calibration system where the technician is not in the immediate proximity of the vehicle being calibrated is prohibited.

(c) The Department of Forensic Sciences shall formulate and promulgate rules for the proper approval, installation, and use of ignition interlock devices. Additionally, the Department of Forensic Sciences shall maintain and make public the list of approved ignition interlock devices.

(d) The Department of Forensic Sciences may adopt in whole or relevant part the guidelines, rules, regulations, studies, or independent laboratory tests performed or relied upon by other states, their agencies, or commissions.

(e) The Department of Forensic Sciences shall charge an application fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000) to any ignition interlock provider to evaluate the instrument. Any ignition interlock provider whose ignition interlock device is approved by the Department of Forensic Sciences shall be permitted to install and calibrate its approved device in Alabama.

(f) In the absence of negligence, wantonness, or willful misconduct, no person or employer or agent of a person who installs an ignition interlock device pursuant to Section 32-5A-191 shall be liable for any occurrence related to the device, including, but not limited to, occurrences resulting from or related to a malfunction of the device or use of, misuse of, or failure to use the device or the vehicle in which the device was installed.

(g)(1) When the court imposes the use of an ignition interlock device as required by Section 32-5A-191, the court shall require that the person provide proof of installation of a device to the court or a probation officer within 30 days. If the person fails to provide proof of installation within that period, absent a finding by the court of good cause for that failure which is entered into the court record, the court shall revoke the person's probation.

(2) Proof of installation for the purpose of this subsection may be furnished by either a certificate of installation or a copy of the lease agreement in the name of the offender for the designated vehicle with an approved ignition interlock device company.

(3) A defendant who is determined by the court to be indigent may have an ignition interlock device installed by an ignition interlock provider as provided in this subsection. Criteria for determining indigency shall be the same criteria as set forth in Section 15-12-5(b). In determining whether the defendant is indigent, the judge shall require an investigation and report by a sheriff, probation officer, or other officer of the court. The report may include input from the district attorney. The accused shall execute an affidavit of substantial hardship on a form approved by the Supreme Court. The completed affidavit of substantial hardship and the subsequent order of the court either denying or granting indigency status to the offender shall become a part of the official court record in the case and shall be submitted by the offender to the interlock provider.

(4) Any offender granted indigency status shall pay one-half of the costs associated with installing and maintaining an interlock device. This section shall not affect any fees associated with the driver's license of the defendant.

(5) All interlock providers shall be required to pay one and one-half percent of all payments collected to the Alabama Interlock Indigent Fund in the State Treasury. All of the money in the fund shall be used to reimburse ignition interlock device providers who have installed devices in vehicles of indigent persons pursuant to court orders issued under this section. No provider shall be reimbursed for an interlock device installed without the completed affidavit of substantial hardship and the subsequent order of the court granting indigency status. Payments to interlock device providers pursuant to this subdivision shall be made every three months. If the amount of money in the fund at the time payments are made is not sufficient to pay all requests for reimbursement submitted during that three-month period, the Comptroller shall make payments on a pro rata basis and those payments shall be considered payment in full for the requests submitted. At the end of each fiscal year, all monies above one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) remaining in the Alabama Interlock Indigent Fund shall be divided as follows:

a. Thirty percent to the Department of Public Safety.

b. Twenty percent to the Department of Forensic Sciences.

c. Thirty percent to the district attorney of jurisdiction.

d. Twenty percent to the Office of Prosecution Services.

(6) Any defendant who does not own a vehicle or otherwise have an ignition interlock device installed on the vehicle shall be required to pay seventy-five dollars ($75) per month, the same approximate cost the defendant would have paid to an ignition interlock provider if the defendant had an interlock device installed. Any monies paid pursuant to this subdivision shall be paid to the court clerk and shall be deposited in the Alabama Impaired Driving Prevention and Enforcement Fund in the State Treasury to be used by the Department of Public Safety for impaired driving education and enforcement.

(h) No person who is prohibited from operating a motor vehicle unless it is equipped with an ignition interlock device as provided in Section 32-5A-191 shall knowingly:

(1) Operate, lease, or borrow a motor vehicle unless that vehicle is equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device.

(2) Request or solicit any other person to blow into an ignition interlock device or to start a motor vehicle equipped with the device for the purpose of providing the person so restricted with an operable motor vehicle.

(i)(1) Any person who operates a motor vehicle in violation of subsection (h) shall be immediately removed from the vehicle and taken into custody. The vehicle, regardless of ownership or possessory interest of the operator or person present in the vehicle, except when the owner of the vehicle or another family member of the owner is present in the vehicle and presents a valid driver's license, shall be impounded by any duly sworn law enforcement officer pursuant to Section 32-6-19(c). If there is an emergency or medical necessity jeopardizing life or limb, the law enforcement officer may elect not to impound the vehicle.

(2) A violation of subsection (h) on the first offense is a Class A misdemeanor and punishable as provided by law. In addition, the time the defendant is required to use an ignition interlock device shall be extended by six months. Upon second conviction of a violation of subsection (h), the sentence shall include a mandatory sentence, which is not subject to suspension or probation, of imprisonment in the county or municipal jail for not less than 48 hours and the time the defendant is required to use an ignition interlock device shall be extended by six months. Upon a third or subsequent conviction of a violation of subsection (h), the sentence shall include a mandatory sentence, which is not subject to suspension or probation, of imprisonment in the county or municipal jail for not less than five days and the time the defendant shall be required to use an ignition interlock device shall be extended by one year.

(j) No person shall blow into an ignition interlock device or start a motor vehicle equipped with the device for the purpose of providing an operable motor vehicle to a person who is prohibited from operating a motor vehicle without an ignition interlock device.

(k) No person shall intentionally attempt to tamper with, defeat, or circumvent the operation of an ignition interlock device.

(l) Any person convicted of a violation of this section other than subsection (h) shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or both.