§ 42-8-36. Duties of probationer; reports; suspension of running of probated sentence or revocation of probation for violations
42-8-36. Duties of probationer; reports; suspension of running of probated sentence or revocation of probation for violations
(a)(1) It shall be the duty of a probationer, as a condition of probation, to keep his or her probation supervisor informed as to his or her residence. Upon the recommendation of the probation supervisor, the court may also require, as a condition of probation and under such terms as the court deems advisable, that the probationer keep the probation supervisor informed as to his or her whereabouts.
(2) The running of a probated sentence shall be tolled upon:
(A) The failure of a probationer to report to his or her probation supervisor as directed or failure to appear in court for a probation revocation hearing; either of such failures may be evidenced by an affidavit from the probation supervisor setting forth such failure; or
(B) The filing of a return of non est inventus or other return to a warrant, for the violation of the terms and conditions of probation, that the probationer cannot be found in the county that appears from the records of the probation supervisor to be the probationer's county of residence. Any officer authorized by law to issue or serve warrants may return the warrant for the absconded probationer showing non est inventus.
(3) The effective date of the tolling of the sentence shall be the date the court enters a tolling order and shall continue until the probationer shall personally report to the probation supervisor, is taken into custody in this state, or is otherwise available to the court.
(4) Any tolled period of time shall not be included in computing creditable time served on probation or as any part of the time that the probationer was sentenced to serve.
(b) Any unpaid fines, restitution, or any other moneys owed as a condition of probation shall be due when the probationer is arrested; but, if the entire balance of his probation is revoked, all the conditions of probation, including moneys owed, shall be negated by his imprisonment. If only part of the balance of the probation is revoked, the probationer shall still be responsible for the full amount of the unpaid fines, restitution, and other moneys upon his return to probation after release from imprisonment.