§ 42-8-35.1. Program of incarceration in ''special alternative incarceration- probation boot camp'' unit as condition of probation
42-8-35.1. Program of incarceration in “special alternative incarceration- probation boot camp” unit as condition of probation
(a) In addition to any other terms or conditions of probation provided for under this chapter, the trial judge may provide that probationers sentenced for felony offenses committed on or after July 1, 1993, to a period of time of not less than one year on probation as a condition of probation must satisfactorily complete a program of confinement in a “special alternative incarceration--probation boot camp” unit of the department for a period of 120 days computed from the time of initial confinement in the unit; provided, however, the department may release the defendant upon service of 90 days in recognition of excellent behavior.
(b) Before a court can place this condition upon the sentence, an initial investigation will be completed by the probation officer which will indicate that the probationer is qualified for such treatment in that the individual does not appear to be physically or mentally disabled in a way that would prevent him from strenuous physical activity, that the individual has no obvious contagious diseases, that the individual is not less than 17 years of age nor more than 30 years of age at the time of sentencing, and that the department has granted provisional approval of the placement of the individual in the “special alternative incarceration--probation boot camp” unit.
(c) In every case where an individual is sentenced under the terms of this Code section, the sentencing court shall, within its probation order, direct the department to arrange with the sheriff's office in the county of incarceration to have the individual delivered to a designated unit of the department within a specific date not more than 15 days after the issuance of such probation order by the court.
(d) At any time during the individual's confinement in the unit, but at least five days prior to his expected date of release, the department will certify to the trial court as to whether the individual has satisfactorily completed this condition of probation.
(e) Upon the receipt of a satisfactory report of performance in the program from the department, the trial court shall release the individual from confinement in the “special alternative incarceration--probation boot camp” unit. However, the receipt of an unsatisfactory report will be grounds for revocation of the probated sentence as would any other violation of a condition or term of probation.
(f) The satisfactory report of performance in the program from the department shall, in addition to the other requirements specified in this Code section, require participation of the individual confined in the unit in such adult education courses necessary to attain the equivalency of a grade five competency level as established by the State Board of Education for elementary schools. Those individuals who are mentally disabled as determined by initial testing are exempt from mandatory participation. After the individual is released from the unit, it shall be a special condition of probation that the individual participate in an education program in the community until grade five level competency is achieved or active probation supervision terminates. It shall be the duty of the department to certify to the trial court that such individual has satisfactorily completed this condition of probation while on active probation supervision. The receipt of an unsatisfactory report may be grounds for revocation of the probated sentence as would any other violation of a condition or term of probation. Under certain circumstances, the probationer may be exempt from this requirement if it is determined by the probation officer that community education resources are inaccessible to the probationer.