§ 42-8-33. Audits of accounts
42-8-33. Audits of accounts
(a) The department shall make periodic audits of each probation supervisor who, by virtue of his duties, has any moneys, fines, court costs, property, or other funds coming into his control or possession or being disbursed by him. The department shall keep a permanent record of the audit of each probation supervisor's accounts on file. It shall be the duty of the employee of the department conducting the audit to notify the department in writing of any discrepancy of an illegal nature that might result in prosecution. The department shall have the right to interview and make inquiry of certain selected payors or recipients of funds, as it may choose, without notifying the probation supervisor, to carry out the purposes of the audit. The employee who conducts the audit shall be required to give bond in such amount as may be set by the department, in the same manner and for the same purposes as provided under Code Section 42-8-26 for the bonds of probation supervisors. The bond shall bind the employee and his surety in the performance of his duties.
(b) Any overpayment of fines, restitutions, or other moneys owed as a condition of probation shall not be refunded to the probationer if the amount of such overpayment is less than $5.00.