§ 5/6-516. Implied consent requirements for commercial motor vehicle drivers
5/6-516. Implied consent requirements for commercial motor vehicle drivers
§ 6-516. Implied consent requirements for commercial motor vehicle drivers.
(a) Effective April 1, 1992, any person who drives a commercial motor vehicle upon the highways is hereby deemed to have given consent to submit to a test or tests, subject to the provisions of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, of such person's breath, blood or urine for the purpose of determining the presence of alcohol, or other drugs, in such person's system.
(b) A test or tests may be administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer, who after stopping or detaining the commercial motor vehicle driver, has probable cause to believe that driver was driving a commercial motor vehicle while having alcohol or any amount of a drug, substance, or compound resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control Act, [FN1] a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, [FN2] or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act in such driver's system.
(c) Effective April 1, 1992, any person who operates a school bus at the time of an accident involving the school bus is hereby deemed to have given consent to submit to a test or tests to be administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer, subject to the provisions of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, of the driver's breath, blood or urine for the purpose of determining the presence of alcohol, or other drugs, in the person's system.
[FN1] 720 ILCS 550/1 et seq.
[FN2] 720 ILCS 570/100 et seq.