§ Form 3.20 Notice and Acknowledgment for Service by Mail

Form 3.20 Notice and Acknowledgment for Service by Mail


    To: _____________________, defendant

    The enclosed summons and complaint are served pursuant to Rule 4(c)(1) of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure.

    Complete the acknowledgment part of this form and return one copy of the completed form in the enclosed postage-paid return envelope so that it will be received by the sender within 20 days of the date of mailing.

    As required by the summons, you must file an answer to the complaint within 20 [FN2] days from the date you acknowledge receipt of this notice, or judgment by default may be entered against you with the consequences described in the summons.

                                                                                       Signed: ______________________________________


    Date: _______________                             [Address]

                                               ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT

    I acknowledge that I received a copy of the summons and complaint in the above-captioned matter, and I understand that, to avoid judgment by default against me, I must file an answer to the complaint as required by the summons.

     Date: _______________                                      Signed ______________________________________
                                                                                                        [Recipient's name and, if
                                                                                                       accepting service in representative
                                                                                                        capacity, title
                                                                                                        and authority [FN3]]

    [FN1]    Two copies of the form of notice and acknowledgment are to be served, with a return, postage-paid envelope addressed to the sender. See Rule 4(c)(1).

    [FN2]     If a time greater than 20 days is inserted in the summons pursuant to Rule 12(a), substitute that time here.

    [FN3]     A person served on behalf of a corporation, unincorporated association, partnership, or other entity, should indicate his or her relationship to that entity. A person served on behalf of another person for whom the recipient is authorized to receive process should indicate the source of his or her authority.