§ Form 17 Third-Party Summons Under Rule 14(a)
Form 17. Third-Party Summons Under Rule 14(a)
) In District Court
County of _______. ) _______ Judicial District
A. B., )
Plaintiff )
vs. )
C. D., )
Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff ) THIRD-PARTY SUMMONS
vs. )
E. F., )
Third-Party Defendant )
The State of North Dakota to the above-named Third-Party Defendant:
You are hereby summoned and required to appear and defend against the third-party complaint which is herewith served upon you, by serving upon ______, plaintiff's attorney whose address is ______, and upon the undersigned an answer or other proper response thereto to within twenty-one days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the third-party complaint. There is also served upon you herewith a copy of the complaint of the plaintiff which you may answer.
Dated _______.
Signed: ________________________________________________________________________________
Attorney for Defendantand Third-Party Plaintiff
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________