§ 56-5-2936. Implementation of compulsory testimony requirement postponed; training of employees.

56-5-2936. Implementation of compulsory testimony requirement postponed; training of employees.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Law Enforcement Division is not required to implement the provisions of Section 56-5-2934 as contained in Section 9 of Act 390 of 2000 pertaining to the compulsory process for obtaining witnesses including, but not limited to, state employees charged with the maintenance of breath testing devices in this State and the administration of breath testing pursuant to Chapter 5 of Title 56 of the 1976 Code, until the time the General Assembly is adequately able to fund the program or by December 31, 2002, whichever first occurs. Provided, however, by December 31, 2002, the State Law Enforcement Division must have at least three state employees trained and prepared for the purpose of appearing in court and testifying on the maintenance of breath testing devices and the administration of breath testing pursuant to Chapter 5, Title 56 of the 1976 Code.