Truck Statutes
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Title 49 Transportation
- Subtitle B Other Regulations Relating to Transportation
- Chapter III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
- Subchapter B Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
- 385.201 Who is qualified to perform a review of a motor carrier or an intermodal equipment provider?
- Subchapter B Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
- Chapter V National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
- Chapter III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
- Subtitle B Other Regulations Relating to Transportation
- Title 49 Transportation
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Appendix of Forms
- Form 1 Caption
- Form 2 Date, Signature, Address, E-Mail Address, and Telephone Number
- Form 3 Summons
- Form 4 Summons on a Third-Party Complaint
- Form 5 Notice of a Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons
- Form 6 Waiver of the Service of Summons
- Form 7 Statement of Jurisdiction
- Form 8 Statement of Reasons for Omitting a Party
- Form 9 Statement Noting a Party's Death
- Form 10 Complaint to Recover a Sum Certain
- Form 11 Complaint for Negligence
- Form 12 Complaint for Negligence when the Plaintiff Does Not Know Who is Responsible
- Form 13 Complaint for Negligence Under the Federal Employers' Liability Act
- Form 14 Complaint for damages under the merchant marine act
- Form 15 Complaint for the Conversion of Property
- Form 16 Third-Party Complaint
- Form 17 Complaint for Specific Performance of a Contract to Convey Land
- Form 18 Complaint for Patent Infringement
- Form 19 Complaint for Copyright Infringement and Unfair Competition
- Form 20 Complaint for Interpleader and Declaratory Relief
- Form 21 Complaint on a Claim for a Debt and to Set Aside a Fraudulent Conveyance Under Rule 18(b)
- Form 30 Answer Presenting Defenses Under Rule 12(b)
- Form 31 Answer to a Complaint for Money Had and Received With a Counterclaim for Interpleader
- Form 40 Motion to Dismiss Under Rule 12(b) for Lack of Jurisdiction, Improper Venue, Insufficient Service of Process, or Failure to State a Claim
- Form 41 Motion to Bring in a Third-Party Defendant
- Form 42 Motion to Intervene as a Defendant Under Rule 24
- Form 50 Request to Produce Documents and Tangible Things, or to Enter Onto Land Under Rule 34
- Form 51 Request for Admissions Under Rule 36
- Form 52 Report of the Parties' Planning Meeting
- Form 60 Notice of Condemnation
- Form 61 Complaint for Condemnation
- Form 70 Judgment on a Jury Verdict
- Form 71 Judgment by the Court Without a Jury
- Form 80 Notice of a Magistrate Judge's Availability
- Form 81 Consent to an Assignment to a Magistrate Judge
- Form 82 Order of Assignment to a Magistrate Judge
- Supplemental Rules for Admiralty or Maritime Claims and Asset Forfeiture Actions
- Title I Scope of Rules; Form of Action
- Title II Commencing an Action
- Rule 3 Commencing an Action
- Rule 4 Summons
- Rule 4.1 Serving Other Process
- Rule 5 Serving and Filing Pleadings and Other Papers
- Rule 5.1 Constitutional Challenge to A Statute--Notice, Certification, and Intervention
- Rule 5.2 Privacy Protection For Filings Made with the Court
- Rule 6 Computing and Extending Time; Time for Motion Papers
- Title III Pleadings and Motions
- Rule 7 Pleadings Allowed; Form of Motions and Other Papers
- Rule 7.1 Disclosure Statement
- Rule 8 General Rules of Pleading
- Rule 9 Pleading Special Matters
- Rule 10 Form of Pleadings
- Rule 11 Signing Pleadings, Motions, and Other Papers; Representations to the Court; Sanctions
- Rule 12 Defenses and Objections: When and How Presented; Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; Consolidating Motions; Waiving Defenses; Pretrial Hearing
- Rule 13 Counterclaim and Crossclaim
- Rule 14 Third-Party Practice
- Rule 15 Amended and Supplemental Pleadings
- Rule 16 Pretrial Conferences; Scheduling; Management
- Title IV Parties
- Rule 17 Plaintiff and Defendant; Capacity; Public Officers
- Rule 18 Joinder of Claims
- Rule 19 Required Joinder of Parties
- Rule 20 Permissive Joinder of Parties
- Rule 21 Misjoinder and Nonjoinder of Parties
- Rule 22 Interpleader
- Rule 23 Class Actions
- Rule 23.1 Derivative Actions
- Rule 23.2 Actions Relating to Unincorporated Associations
- Rule 24 Intervention
- Rule 25 Substitution of Parties
- Title IX Special Proceedings
- Title V Disclosures and Discovery
- Rule 26 Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery
- Rule 27 Depositions to Perpetuate Testimony
- Rule 28 Persons Before Whom Depositions May Be Taken
- Rule 29 Stipulations About Discovery Procedure
- Rule 30 Depositions by Oral Examination
- Rule 31 Depositions by Written Questions
- Rule 32 Using Depositions in Court Proceedings
- Rule 33 Interrogatories to Parties
- Rule 34 Producing Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Tangible Things, or Entering onto Land, for Inspection and Other Purposes
- Rule 35 Physical and Mental Examinations
- Rule 36 Requests for Admission
- Rule 37 Failure to Make Disclosures or to Cooperate in Discovery; Sanctions
- Title VI Trials
- Rule 38 Right to a Jury Trial; Demand
- Rule 39 Trial by Jury or by the Court
- Rule 40 Scheduling Cases for Trial
- Rule 41 Dismissal of Actions
- Rule 42 Consolidation; Separate Trials
- Rule 43 Taking Testimony
- Rule 44 Proving an Official Record
- Rule 44.1 Determining Foreign Law
- Rule 45 Subpoena
- Rule 46 Objecting to a Ruling or Order
- Rule 47 Selecting Jurors
- Rule 48 Number of Jurors; Verdict; Polling
- Rule 49 Special Verdict; General Verdict and Questions
- Rule 50 Judgment as a Matter of Law in a Jury Trial; Related Motion for a New Trial; Conditional Ruling
- Rule 51 Instructions to the Jury; Objections; Preserving a Claim of Error
- Rule 52 Findings and Conclusions by the Court; Judgment on Partial Findings
- Rule 53 Masters
- Title VII Judgment
- Rule 54 Judgment; Costs
- Rule 55 Default; Default Judgment
- Rule 56 Summary Judgment
- Rule 57 Declaratory Judgment
- Rule 58 Entering Judgment
- Rule 59 New Trial; Altering or Amending a Judgment
- Rule 60 Relief from a Judgment or Order
- Rule 61 Harmless Error
- Rule 62 Stay of Proceedings to Enforce a Judgment
- Rule 62.1 Indicative Ruling on a Motion for Relief That is Barred by a Pending Appeal
- Rule 63 Judge's Inability to Proceed
- Title VIII Provisional and Final Remedies
- Rule 64 Seizing a Person or Property
- Rule 65 Injunctions and Restraining Orders
- Rule 65.1 Proceedings Against A Surety
- Rule 66 Receivers
- Rule 67 Deposit into Court
- Rule 68 Offer of Judgment
- Rule 69 Execution
- Rule 70 Enforcing a Judgment for a Specific Act
- Rule 71 Enforcing Relief for or Against a Nonparty
- Title X District Courts and Clerks: Conducting Business; Issuing Orders
- Appendix of Forms
- Federal Rules of Evidence (2011)
- Rule 401 Definition of Relevant Evidence
- Rule 402 Relevant Evidence Generally Admissible; Irrelevant Evidence Inadmissible
- Rule 403 Exclusion of Relevant Evidence on Grounds of Prejudice, Confusion, or Waste of Time
- Rule 404 Character Evidence Not Admissible To Prove Conduct; Exceptions; Other Crimes
- Rule 405 Methods of Proving Character
- Rule 406 Habit; Routine Practice
- Rule 407 Subsequent Remedial Measures
- Rule 408 Compromise and Offers to Compromise
- Rule 409 Payment of Medical and Similar Expenses
- Rule 410 Inadmissibility of Pleas, Plea Discussions, and Related Statements
- Rule 411 Liability Insurance
- Rule 412 Sex Offense Cases; Relevance of Alleged Victim
- Rule 413 Evidence of Similar Crimes in Sexual Assault Cases
- Rule 414 Evidence of Similar Crimes in Child Molestation Case
- Rule 415 Evidence of Similar Acts in Civil Cases Concerning Sexual Assault or Child Molestation
- Rule 601 General Rule of Competency
- Rule 602 Lack of Personal Knowledge
- Rule 603 Oath or Affirmation
- Rule 604 Interpreters
- Rule 605 Competency of Judge as Witness
- Rule 606 Competency of Juror as Witness
- Rule 607 Who May Impeach
- Rule 608 Evidence of Character and Conduct of Witness
- Rule 609 Impeachment by Evidence of Conviction of Crime
- Rule 610 Religious Beliefs or Opinions
- Rule 611 Mode and Order of Interrogation and Presentation
- Rule 612 Writing Used To Refresh Memory
- Rule 613 Prior Statements of Witnesses
- Rule 614 Calling and Interrogation of Witnesses by Court
- Rule 615 Exclusion of Witnesses
- United States Code
- Title 28 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
- 1 Number of justices; quorum
- 2 Terms of court
- 3 Vacancy in office of Chief Justice; disability
- 4 Precedence of associate justices
- 5 Salaries of justices
- 6 Records of former court of appeals
- 41 Number and composition of circuits
- 42 Allotment of Supreme Court justices to circuits
- 43 Creation and composition of courts
- 44 Appointment, tenure, residence and salary of circuit judges
- 45 Chief judges; precedence of judges
- 46 Assignment of judges; panels; hearings; quorum
- 47 Disqualification of trial judge to hear appeal
- 48 Terms of court
- 49 Assignment of judges to division to appoint independent counsels
- 81 Alabama
- 81A Alaska
- 82 Arizona
- 83 Arkansas
- 84 California
- 85 Colorado
- 86 Connecticut
- 87 Delaware
- 88 District of Columbia
- 89 Florida
- 90 Georgia
- 91 Hawaii
- 92 Idaho
- 93 Illinois
- 94 Indiana
- 95 Iowa
- 96 Kansas
- 97 Kentucky
- 98 Louisiana
- 99 Maine
- 100 Maryland
- 101 Massachusetts
- 102 Michigan
- 103 Minnesota
- 104 Mississippi
- 105 Missouri
- 106 Montana
- 107 Nebraska
- 108 Nevada
- 109 New Hampshire
- 110 New Jersey
- 111 New Mexico
- 112 New York
- 113 North Carolina
- 114 North Dakota
- 115 Ohio
- 116 Oklahoma
- 117 Oregon
- 118 Pennsylvania
- 119 Puerto Rico
- 120 Rhode Island
- 121 South Carolina
- 122 South Dakota
- 123 Tennessee
- 124 Texas
- 125 Utah
- 126 Vermont
- 127 Virginia
- 128 Washington
- 129 West Virginia
- 130 Wisconsin
- 131 Wyoming
- 132 Creation and composition of district courts
- 133 Appointment and number of district judges
- 134 Tenure and residence of district judges
- 135 Salaries of district judges
- 136 Chief judges; precedence of district judges
- 137 Division of business among district judges
- 138 Terms abolished
- 139 Times for holding regular sessions
- 140 Adjournment
- 141 Special sessions; places; notice
- 143 Vacant judgeship as affecting proceedings
- 144 Bias or prejudice of judge
- 151 Designation of bankruptcy courts
- 152 Appointment of bankruptcy judges
- 153 Salaries; character of service
- 154 Division of businesses; chief judge
- 155 Temporary transfer of bankruptcy judges
- 156 Staff; expenses
- 157 Procedures
- 158 Appeals
- 159 Bankruptcy statistics
- 171 Appointment and number of judges; character of court; designation of chief judge
- 172 Tenure and salaries of judges
- 173 Times and places of holding court
- 174 Assignment of judges; decisions
- 175 Official duty station; residence
- 176 Removal from office
- 177 Disbarment of removed judges
- 178 Retirement of judges of the Court of Federal Claims
- 179 Personnel application and insurance programs
- 251 Appointment and number of judges; offices
- 252 Tenure and salaries of judges
- 253 Duties of chief judge
- 254 Single-judge trials
- 255 Three-judge trials
- 256 Trials at ports other than New York
- 257 Publication of decisions
- 258 Chief judges; precedence of judges
- 291 Circuit judges
- 292 District judges
- 293 Judges of the Court of International Trade
- 294 Assignment of retired Justices or judges to active duty
- 295 Conditions upon designation and assignment
- 296 Powers upon designation and assignment
- 297 Assignment of judges to courts of the freely associated compact states
- 331 Judicial Conference of the United States
- 332 Judicial councils of circuits
- 333 Judicial conferences of circuits
- 334 Institutes and joint councils on sentencing
- 335 Judicial Conference of the Court of International Trade
- 351 Complaints; judge defined
- 352 Review of complaint by chief judge
- 353 Special committees
- 354 Action by judicial council
- 355 Action by Judicial Conference
- 356 Subpoena power
- 357 Review of orders and actions
- 358 Rules
- 359 Restrictions
- 360 Disclosure of information
- 361 Reimbursement of expenses
- 362 Other provisions and rules not affected
- 363 Court of Federal Claims, Court of International Trade, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- 364 Effect of felony conviction
- 371 Retirement on salary; retirement in senior status
- 372 Retirement for disability; substitute judge on failure to retire
- 373 Judges in territories and possessions
- 374 Residence of retired judges; official station
- 375 Recall of certain judges and magistrate judges
- 376 Annuities for survivors of certain judicial officials of the United States
- 377 Retirement of bankruptcy judges and magistrate judges
- 411 Supreme Court reports; printing, binding, and distribution
- 412 Sale of Supreme Court reports
- 413 Publications; distribution to courts
- 414 Transmittal of books to successors
- 451 Definitions
- 452 Courts always open; powers unrestricted by expiration of sessions
- 453 Oaths of justices and judges
- 454 Practice of law by justices and judges
- 455 Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge
- 456 Traveling expenses of justices and judges; official duty stations
- 457 Records; obsolete papers
- 458 Relative of justice or judge ineligible to appointment
- 459 Administration of oaths and acknowledgments
- 460 Application to other courts
- 461 Adjustments in certain salaries
- 462 Court accommodations
- 463 Expenses of litigation
- 471 Requirement for a district court civil justice expense and delay reduction plan
- 472 Development and implementation of a civil justice expense and delay reduction plan
- 473 Content of civil justice expense and delay reduction plans
- 474 Review of district court action
- 475 Periodic district court assessment
- 476 Enhancement of judicial information dissemination
- 477 Model civil justice expense and delay reduction plan
- 478 Advisory groups
- 479 Information on litigation management and cost and delay reduction
- 480 Training programs
- 481 Automated case information
- 482 Definitions
- 501 Executive department
- 502 Seal
- 503 Attorney General
- 504 Deputy Attorneys General
- 504a Associate Attorney General
- 505 Solicitor General
- 506 Assistant Attorneys General
- 507 Assistant Attorney General for Administration
- 507A Assistant Attorney General for National Security
- 508 Vacancies
- 509 Functions of the Attorney General
- 509A National Security Division
- 509B Section to enforce human rights laws
- 510 Delegation of authority
- 511 Attorney General to advise the President
- 512 Attorney General to advise heads of executive departments
- 513 Attorney General to advise Secretaries of military departments
- 514 Legal services on pending claims in departments and agencies
- 515 Authority for legal proceedings; commission, oath, and salary for special attorneys
- 516 Conduct of litigation reserved to Department of Justice
- 517 Interests of United States in pending suits
- 518 Conduct and argument of cases
- 519 Supervision of litigation
- 520 Transmission of petitions in United States Court of Federal Claims or in United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; statement furnished by departments
- 521 Publication and distribution of opinions
- 522 Report of business and statistics
- 523 Requisitions
- 524 Availability of appropriations
- 525 Procurement of law books, reference books, and periodicals; sale and exchange
- 526 Authority of Attorney General to investigate United States attorneys, marshals, trustees, clerks of court, and others
- 527 Establishment of working capital fund
- 528 Disqualification of officers and employees of the Department of Justice
- 529 Annual report of Attorney General
- 530 Payment of travel and transportation expenses of newly appointed special agents
- 530A Authorization of appropriations for travel and related expenses and for health care of personnel serving abroad
- 530B Ethical standards for attorneys for the Government
- 530C Authority to use available funds
- 530D Report on enforcement of laws
- 531 Federal Bureau of Investigation
- 532 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- 533 Investigative and other officials; appointment
- 534 Acquisition, preservation, and exchange of identification records and information; appointment of officials
- 535 Investigation of crimes involving Government officers and employees; limitations
- 536 Positions in excepted service
- 537 Expenses of unforeseen emergencies of a confidential character
- 538 Investigation of aircraft piracy and related violations
- 539 Counterintelligence official reception and representation expenses
- 540 Investigation of felonious killings of State or local law enforcement officers
- 540A Investigation of violent crimes against travelers
- 540B Investigation of serial killings
- 540C FBI Police
- 541 United States attorneys
- 542 Assistant United States attorneys
- 543 Special attorneys
- 544 Oath of office
- 545 Residence
- 546 Vacancies
- 547 Duties
- 548 Salaries
- 549 Expenses
- 550 Clerical assistants, messengers, and private process servers
- 561 United States Marshals Service
- 562 Vacancies
- 563 Oath of office
- 564 Powers as sheriff
- 565 Expenses of the Service
- 566 Powers and duties
- 567 Collection of fees; accounting
- 568 Practice of law prohibited
- 569 Reemployment rights
- 581 United States trustees
- 582 Assistant United States trustees
- 583 Oath of office
- 584 Official stations
- 585 Vacancies
- 586 Duties; supervision by Attorney General
- 587 Salaries
- 588 Expenses
- 589 Staff and other employees
- 589a United States Trustee System Fund
- 589b Bankruptcy data
- 591 Applicability of provisions of this chapter
- 592 Preliminary investigation and application for appointment of an independent counsel
- 593 Duties of the division of the court
- 594 Authority and duties of an independent counsel
- 595 Congressional oversight
- 596 Removal of an independent counsel; termination of office
- 597 Relationship with Department of Justice
- 598 Severability
- 599 Termination of effect of chapter
- 599A Bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and Explosives
- 599B Personnel Management demonstration project
- 601 Creation; Director and Deputy Director
- 602 Employees
- 603 Salaries
- 604 Duties of Director generally
- 605 Budget estimates
- 606 Duties of Deputy Director
- 607 Practice of law prohibited
- 608 Seal
- 609 Courts' appointive power unaffected
- 610 Courts defined
- 611 Retirement of Director
- 612 Judiciary Information Technology Fund
- 613 Disbursing and certifying officers
- 620 Federal Judicial Center
- 621 Board; composition, tenure of members, compensation
- 622 Meetings; conduct of business
- 623 Duties of the Board
- 624 Powers of the Board
- 625 Director and staff
- 626 Compensation of the Director and Deputy Director
- 627 Retirement; employee benefits
- 628 Appropriations and accounting
- 629 Federal Judicial Center Foundation
- 631 Appointment and tenure
- 632 Character of service
- 633 Determination of number, locations, and salaries of magistrate judges
- 634 Compensation
- 635 Expenses
- 636 Jurisdiction, powers, and temporary assignment
- 637 Training
- 638 Dockets and forms; United States Code; seals
- 639 Definitions
- 651 Authorization of alternative dispute resolution
- 652 Jurisdiction
- 653 Neutrals
- 654 Arbitration
- 655 Arbitrators
- 656 Subpoenas
- 657 Arbitration award and judgment
- 658 Compensation of arbitrators and neutrals
- 671 Clerk
- 672 Marshal
- 673 Reporter
- 674 Librarian
- 675 Law clerks and secretaries
- 676 Printing and binding
- 677 Counselor to the Chief Justice
- 711 Clerks and employees
- 712 Law clerks and secretaries
- 713 Librarians
- 714 Criers and messengers
- 715 Staff attorneys and technical assistants
- 751 Clerks
- 752 Law clerks and secretaries
- 753 Reporters
- 754 Receivers of property in different districts
- 755 Criers and bailiffs
- 756 Power to appoint
- 791 Clerk
- 794 Law clerks and secretaries
- 795 Bailiffs and messengers
- 796 Reporting of court proceedings
- 797 Recall of retired judges
- 798 Places of holding court; appointment of special masters
- 871 Clerk, chief deputy clerk, assistant clerk, deputies, assistants, and other employees
- 872 Criers, bailiffs, and messengers
- 951 Oath of office of clerks and deputies
- 953 Administration of oaths and acknowledgments
- 954 Vacancy in clerk position; absence of clerk
- 955 Practice of law restricted
- 956 Powers and duties of clerks and deputies
- 957 Clerks ineligible for certain offices
- 958 Persons ineligible as receivers
- 959 Trustees and receivers suable; management; State laws
- 960 Tax liability
- 961 Office expenses of clerks
- 963 Courts defined
- 991 United States Sentencing Commission; establishment and purposes
- 992 Terms of office; compensation
- 993 Powers and duties of Chair
- 994 Duties of the Commission
- 995 Powers of the Commission
- 996 Director and staff
- 997 Annual report
- 998 Definitions
- 1251 Original jurisdiction
- 1253 Direct appeals from decisions of three-judge courts
- 1254 Courts of appeals; certiorari; certified questions
- 1257 State courts; certiorari
- 1258 Supreme Court of Puerto Rico; certiorari
- 1259 Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces; certiorari
- 1291 Final decisions of district courts
- 1292 Interlocutory decisions
- 1294 Circuits in which decisions reviewable
- 1295 Jurisdiction of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- 1296 Review of certain agency actions
- 1330 Actions against foreign states
- 1331 Federal question
- 1332 Diversity of citizenship; amount in controversy; costs
- 1333 Admiralty, maritime and prize cases
- 1334 Bankruptcy cases and proceedings
- 1335 Interpleader
- 1336 Surface Transportation Board's orders
- 1337 Commerce and antitrust regulations; amount in controversy, costs
- 1338 Patents, plant variety protection, copyrights, mask works, designs, trademarks, and unfair competition
- 1339 Postal matters
- 1340 Internal revenue; customs duties
- 1341 Taxes by States
- 1342 Rate orders of State agencies
- 1343 Civil rights and elective franchise
- 1344 Election disputes
- 1345 United States as plaintiff
- 1346 United States as defendant
- 1347 Partition action where United States is joint tenant
- 1348 Banking association as party
- 1349 Corporation organized under federal law as party
- 1350 Alien's action for tort
- 1351 Consuls, vice consuls, and members of a diplomatic mission as defendant
- 1352 Bonds executed under federal law
- 1353 Indian allotments
- 1354 Land grants from different states
- 1355 Fine, penalty or forfeiture
- 1356 Seizures not within admiralty and maritime jurisdiction
- 1357 Injuries under Federal laws
- 1358 Eminent domain
- 1359 Parties collusively joined or made
- 1360 State civil jurisdiction in actions to which Indians are parties
- 1361 Action to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty
- 1362 Indian tribes
- 1363 Jurors' employment rights
- 1364 Direct actions against insurers of members of diplomatic missions and their families
- 1365 Senate actions
- 1366 Construction of references to laws of the United States or Acts of Congress
- 1367 Supplemental jurisdiction
- 1368 Counterclaims in unfair practices in international trade
- 1369 Multiparty, multiforum jurisdiction
- 1391 Venue generally
- 1392 Defendants or property in different districts in same State
- 1394 Banking association's action against Comptroller of Currency
- 1395 Fine, penalty or forfeiture
- 1396 Internal revenue taxes
- 1397 Interpleader
- 1398 Interstate Commerce Commission's orders
- 1399 Partition action involving United States
- 1400 Patents and copyrights, mask works, and designs
- 1401 Stockholder's derivative action
- 1402 United States as defendant
- 1403 Eminent domain
- 1404 Change of venue
- 1405 Creation or alteration of district or division
- 1406 Cure or waiver of defects
- 1407 Multidistrict litigation
- 1408 Venue of cases under title 11
- 1409 Venue of proceedings arising under title 11 or arising in or related to cases under title 11
- 1410 Venue of cases ancillary to foreign proceedings
- 1411 Jury trials
- 1412 Change of venue
- 1413 Venue of cases under chapter 5 of title 3
- 1441 Actions removable generally
- 1442 Federal officers or agencies sued or prosecuted
- 1442a Members of armed forces sued or prosecuted
- 1443 Civil rights cases
- 1444 Foreclosure action against United States
- 1445 Nonremovable actions
- 1446 Procedure for removal
- 1447 Procedure after removal generally
- 1448 Process after removal
- 1449 State court record supplied
- 1450 Attachment or sequestration; securities
- 1451 Definitions
- 1452 Removal of claims related to bankruptcy cases
- 1453 Removal of class actions
- 1454 Patent, plant variety protection, and copyright cases
- 1491 Claims against United States generally; actions involving Tennessee Valley Authority
- 1492 Congressional reference cases
- 1494 Accounts of officers, agents or contractors
- 1495 Damages for unjust conviction and imprisonment; claim against United States
- 1496 Disbursing officers' claims
- 1497 Oyster growers' damages from dredging operations
- 1498 Patent and copyright cases
- 1499 Liquidated damages withheld from contractors under chapter 37 of title 40
- 1500 Pendency of claims in other courts
- 1501 Pensions
- 1502 Treaty cases
- 1503 Set-offs
- 1505 Indian claims
- 1507 Jurisdiction for certain declaratory judgments
- 1508 Jurisdiction for certain partnership proceedings
- 1509 No jurisdiction in cases involving refunds of tax shelter promoter and understatement penalties
- 1581 Civil actions against the United States and agencies and officers thereof
- 1582 Civil actions commenced by the United States
- 1583 Counterclaims, cross-claims, and third-party actions
- 1584 Civil actions under the North American Free Trade Agreement or the United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement
- 1585 Powers in law and equity
- 1602 Findings and declaration of purpose
- 1603 Definitions
- 1604 Immunity of a foreign state from jurisdiction
- 1605 General exceptions to the jurisdictional immunity of a foreign state
- 1605A Terrorism exception to the jurisdictional immunity of a foreign state
- 1606 Extent of liability
- 1607 Counterclaims
- 1608 Service; time to answer; default
- 1609 Immunity from attachment and execution of property of a foreign state
- 1610 Exceptions to the immunity from attachment or execution
- 1611 Certain types of property immune from execution
- 1631 Transfer to cure want of jurisdiction
- 1651 Writs
- 1652 State laws as rules of decision
- 1653 Amendment of pleadings to show jurisdiction
- 1654 Appearance personally or by counsel
- 1655 Lien enforcement; absent defendants
- 1656 Creation of new district or division or transfer of territory; lien enforcement
- 1657 Priority of civil actions
- 1658 Time limitations on the commencement of civil actions arising under Acts of Congress
- 1659 Stay of certain actions pending disposition of related proceedings before the United States International Trade Commission
- 1691 Seal and teste of process
- 1692 Process and orders affecting property in different districts
- 1693 Place of arrest in civil action
- 1694 Patent infringement action
- 1695 Stockholder's derivative action
- 1696 Service in foreign and international litigation
- 1697 Service in multiparty, multiforum actions
- 1711 Definitions
- 1712 Coupon settlements
- 1713 Protection against loss by class members
- 1714 Protection against discrimination based on geographic location
- 1715 Notifications to appropriate Federal and State officials
- 1731 Handwriting
- 1732 Record made in regular course of business; photographic copies
- 1733 Government records and papers; copies
- 1734 Court record lost or destroyed, generally
- 1735 Court record lost or destroyed where United States interested
- 1736 Congressional Journals
- 1737 Copy of officer's bond
- 1738 State and Territorial statutes and judicial proceedings; full faith and credit
- 1738A Full faith and credit given to child custody determinations
- 1738B Full faith and credit for child support orders
- 1738C Certain acts, records, and proceedings and the effect thereof
- 1739 State and Territorial nonjudicial records; full faith and credit
- 1740 Copies of consular papers
- 1741 Foreign official documents
- 1743 Demand on postmaster
- 1744 Copies of United States Patent and Trademark Office documents, generally
- 1745 Copies of foreign patent documents
- 1746 Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury
- 1781 Transmittal of letter rogatory or request
- 1782 Assistance to foreign and international tribunals and to litigants before such tribunals
- 1783 Subpoena of person in foreign country
- 1784 Contempt
- 1785 Subpoenas in multiparty, multiforum actions
- 1821 Per diem and mileage generally; subsistence
- 1822 Competency of interested persons; share of penalties payable
- 1824 Mileage fees under summons as both witness and juror
- 1825 Payment of fees
- 1826 Recalcitrant witnesses
- 1827 Interpreters in courts of the United States
- 1828 Special interpretation services
- 1861 Declaration of policy
- 1862 Discrimination prohibited
- 1863 Plan for random jury selection
- 1864 Drawing of names from the master jury wheel; completion of juror qualification form
- 1865 Qualifications for jury service
- 1866 Selection and summoning of jury panels
- 1867 Challenging compliance with selection procedures
- 1868 Maintenance and inspection of records
- 1869 Definitions
- 1870 Challenges
- 1871 Fees
- 1872 Issues of fact in Supreme Court
- 1873 Admiralty and maritime cases
- 1874 Actions on bonds and specialties
- 1875 Protection of jurors' employment
- 1876 Trial by jury in the Court of International Trade
- 1877 Protection of jurors
- 1878 Optional use of a one-step summoning and qualification procedure
- 1911 Supreme Court
- 1912 Damages and costs on affirmance
- 1913 Courts of appeals
- 1914 District court; filing and miscellaneous fees; rules of court
- 1915 Proceedings in forma pauperis
- 1915A Screening
- 1916 Seamen's suits
- 1917 District courts; fee on filing notice of or petition for appeal
- 1918 District courts; fines, forfeitures and criminal proceedings
- 1919 Dismissal for lack of jurisdiction
- 1920 Taxation of costs
- 1921 United States marshal's fees
- 1922 Witness fees before United States magistrate judges
- 1923 Docket fees and costs of briefs
- 1924 Verification of bill of costs
- 1925 Admiralty and maritime cases
- 1926 Court of Federal Claims
- 1927 Counsel's liability for excessive costs
- 1928 Patent infringement action; disclaimer not filed
- 1929 Extraordinary expenses not expressly authorized
- 1930 Bankruptcy fees
- 1931 Disposition of filing fees
- 1932 [FN1] Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation
- 1932 [FN1] Revocation of earned release credit
- 1961 Interest
- 1962 Lien
- 1963 Registration of judgments for enforcement in other districts
- 1964 Constructive notice of pending actions
- 2001 Sale of realty generally
- 2002 Notice of sale of realty
- 2003 Marshal's incapacity after levy on or sale of realty
- 2004 Sale of personalty generally
- 2005 Appraisal of goods taken on execution
- 2006 Execution against revenue officer
- 2007 Imprisonment for debt
- 2041 Deposit of moneys in pending or adjudicated cases
- 2042 Withdrawal
- 2043 Deposit of other moneys
- 2044 Payment of fine with bond money
- 2045 Investment of court registry funds
- 2071 Rule-making power generally
- 2072 Rules of procedure and evidence; power to prescribe
- 2073 Rules of procedure and evidence; method of prescribing
- 2074 Rules of procedure and evidence; submission to Congress; effective date
- 2075 Bankruptcy rules
- 2077 Publication of rules; advisory committees
- 2101 Supreme Court; time for appeal or certiorari; docketing; stay
- 2102 Priority of criminal case on appeal from State court
- 2104 Reviews of State court decisions
- 2105 Scope of review; abatement
- 2106 Determination
- 2107 Time for appeal to court of appeals
- 2108 Proof of amount in controversy
- 2109 Quorum of Supreme Court justices absent
- 2111 Harmless error
- 2112 Record on review and enforcement of agency orders
- 2113 Definition
- 2201 Creation of remedy
- 2202 Further relief
- 2241 Power to grant writ
- 2242 Application
- 2243 Issuance of writ; return; hearing; decision
- 2244 Finality of determination
- 2245 Certificate of trial judge admissible in evidence
- 2246 Evidence; depositions; affidavits
- 2247 Documentary evidence
- 2248 Return or answer; conclusiveness
- 2249 Certified copies of indictment, plea and judgment; duty of respondent
- 2250 Indigent petitioner entitled to documents without cost
- 2251 Stay of State court proceedings
- 2252 Notice
- 2253 Appeal
- 2254 State custody; remedies in Federal courts
- 2255 Federal custody; remedies on motion attacking sentence
- 2261 Prisoners in State custody subject to capital sentence; appointment of counsel; requirement of rule of court or statute; procedures for appointment
- 2262 Mandatory stay of execution; duration; limits on stays of execution; successive petitions
- 2263 Filing of habeas corpus application; time requirements; tolling rules
- 2264 Scope of Federal review; district court adjudications
- 2265 Certification and judicial review
- 2266 Limitation periods for determining applications and motions
- 2283 Stay of State court proceedings
- 2284 Three-judge court; when required; composition; procedure
- 2321 Judicial review of Board's orders and decisions; procedure generally; process
- 2322 United States as party
- 2323 Duties of Attorney General; intervenors
- 2341 Definitions
- 2342 Jurisdiction of court of appeals
- 2343 Venue
- 2344 Review of orders; time; notice; contents of petition; service
- 2345 Prehearing conference
- 2346 Certification of record on review
- 2347 Petitions to review; proceedings
- 2348 Representation in proceeding; intervention
- 2349 Jurisdiction of the proceeding
- 2350 Review in Supreme Court on certiorari or certification
- 2351 Enforcement of orders by district courts
- 2361 Process and procedure
- 2401 Time for commencing action against United States
- 2402 Jury trial in actions against United States
- 2403 Intervention by United States or a State; constitutional question
- 2404 Death of defendant in damage action
- 2405 Garnishment
- 2406 Credits in actions by United States; prior disallowance
- 2407 Delinquents for public money; judgment at return term; continuance
- 2408 Security not required of United States
- 2409 Partition actions involving United States
- 2409a Real property quiet title actions
- 2410 Actions affecting property on which United States has lien
- 2411 Interest
- 2412 Costs and fees
- 2413 Executions in favor of United States
- 2414 Payment of judgments and compromise settlements
- 2415 Time for commencing actions brought by the United States
- 2416 Time for commencing actions brought by the United States-Exclusions
- 2461 Mode of recovery
- 2462 Time for commencing proceedings
- 2463 Property taken under revenue law not repleviable
- 2464 Security; special bond
- 2465 Return of property to claimant; liability for wrongful seizure; attorney fees, costs, and interest
- 2466 Fugitive disentitlement
- 2467 Enforcement of foreign judgment
- 2501 Time for filing suit
- 2502 Aliens' privilege to sue
- 2503 Proceedings generally
- 2504 Plaintiff's testimony
- 2505 Trial before judges
- 2506 Interest of witness
- 2507 Calls and discovery
- 2508 Counterclaim or set-off; registration of judgment
- 2509 Congressional reference cases
- 2510 Referral of cases by Comptroller General
- 2511 Accounts of officers, agents or contractors
- 2512 Disbursing officers; relief
- 2513 Unjust conviction and imprisonment
- 2514 Forfeiture of fraudulent claims
- 2515 New trial; stay of judgment
- 2516 Interest on claims and judgments
- 2517 Payment of judgments
- 2519 Conclusiveness of judgment
- 2521 Subpoenas and incidental powers
- 2522 Notice of appeal
- 2631 Persons entitled to commence a civil action
- 2632 Commencement of a civil action
- 2633 Procedure and fees
- 2634 Notice
- 2635 Filing of official documents
- 2636 Time for commencement of action
- 2637 Exhaustion of administrative remedies
- 2638 New grounds in support of a civil action
- 2639 Burden of proof; evidence of value
- 2640 Scope and standard of review
- 2641 Witnesses; inspection of documents
- 2642 Analysis of imported merchandise
- 2643 Relief
- 2644 Interest
- 2645 Decisions
- 2646 Retrial or rehearing
- 2671 Definitions
- 2672 Administrative adjustment of claims
- 2673 Reports to Congress
- 2674 Liability of United States
- 2675 Disposition by federal agency as prerequisite; evidence
- 2676 Judgment as bar
- 2677 Compromise
- 2678 Attorney fees; penalty
- 2679 Exclusiveness of remedy
- 2680 Exceptions
- 2710 Right of attachment
- 2711 Application for warrant
- 2712 Issue of warrant
- 2713 Trial of ownership of property
- 2714 Investment of proceeds of attached property
- 2715 Publication
- 2716 Personal notice
- 2717 Discharge
- 2718 Interest on balances due department
- 3701 Definitions
- 3702 Unlawful sports gambling
- 3703 Injunctions
- 3704 Applicability
- 3901 Civil actions
- 3902 Judicial review of regulations
- 3903 Effect of failure to issue regulations
- 3904 Expedited review of certain appeals
- 3905 Attorney's fees and interest
- 3906 Payments
- 3907 Other judicial review prohibited
- 3908 Definitions
- 4001 Assumption of contractual obligations related to transfers of rights in motion pictures
- 4101 Definitions
- 4102 Recognition of foreign defamation judgments
- 4103 Removal
- 4104 Declaratory judgments
- 4105 Attorneys' fees
- Appendix of Forms
- II Rules for Multicircuit Petitions for Review Under 28 U.S.C.2112(a)(3)
- I Rules for Multidistrict Litigation Under 28 U.S.C.1407
- Rule 1.1 Definitions
- Rule 2.1. Rules and Practice
- Rule 3.1 Electronic Records and Files; Copy Fees
- Rule 3.2 ECF Users: Filing Requirements
- Rule 3.3 Non-ECF Users: Filing Requirements
- Rule 4.1 Service of Pleadings
- Rule 5.1 Corporate Disclosure Statement
- Rule 6.1 Motion Practice
- Rule 6.2 Motions to Transfer for Coordinated or Consolidated Pretrial Proceedings
- Rule 6.3 Motions for Miscellaneous Relief
- Rule 7.1 Conditional Transfer Orders (CTO) for Tag-Along Actions
- Rule 7.2 Miscellaneous Provisions Concerning Tag-Along Actions
- Rule 8.1 Show Cause Orders
- Rule 9.1 Transfer of Files; Notification Requirements
- Rule 10.1 Termination and Remand
- Rule 10.2 Conditional Remand Orders (CRO)
- Rule 10.3 Motion to Remand
- Rule 10.4 Transfer of Files on Remand
- Rule 11.1 Hearing Sessions and Oral Argument
- Legislative History
- Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases in the United States District Courts
- Rule 1 Scope
- Rule 2 The Petition
- Rule 3 Filing the Petition; Inmate Filing
- Rule 4 Preliminary Review; Serving the Petition and Order
- Rule 5 The Answer and the Reply
- Rule 6 Discovery
- Rule 7 Expanding the Record
- Rule 8 Evidentiary Hearing
- Rule 9 Second or Successive Petitions
- Rule 10 Powers of a Magistrate Judge
- Rule 11 Certificate of Appealability; Time to Appeal
- Rule 12 Applicability of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Rules Governing Section 2255 Proceedings for the United States District Courts
- Rule 1 Scope
- Rule 2 The Motion
- Rule 3 Filing the Motion; Inmate Filing
- Rule 4 Preliminary Review
- Rule 5 The Answer and the Reply
- Rule 6 Discovery
- Rule 9 Second or Successive Motions
- Rule 11 Certificate of Appealability; Time to Appeal
- Rule 12 Applicability of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Subchapter A Definitions and General Provisions
- 3001 Applicability of chapter
- 3002 Definitions
- 3003 Rules of construction
- 3004 Service of process; enforcement; notice
- 3005 Application of chapter to judgments
- 3006 Affidavit requirements
- 3007 Perishable personal property
- 3008 Proceedings before United States magistrate judges
- 3009 United States marshals' authority to designate keeper
- 3010 Co-owned property
- 3011 Assessment of surcharge on a debt
- 3012 Joinder of additional defendant
- 3013 Modification or protective order; supervision of enforcement
- 3014 Exempt property
- 3015 Discovery as to debtor's financial condition
- Subchapter B Prejudgment Remedies
- Subchapter C Postjudgment Remedies
- Subchapter D Fraudulent Transfers Involving Debts
- Title 49 Transportation
- Subtitle VI Motor Vehicle and Driver Programs
- Part A General
- Chapter 301 Motor Vehicle Safety
- Subchapter III Importing Noncomplying Motor Vehicles and Equipment
- 30141 Importing motor vehicles capable of complying with standards
- 30142 Importing motor vehicles for personal use
- 30143 Motor vehicles imported by individuals employed outside the United States
- 30144 Importing motor vehicles on a temporary basis
- 30145 Importing motor vehicles or equipment requiring further manufacturing
- 30146 Release of motor vehicles and bonds
- 30147 Responsibility for defects and noncompliance
- Subchapter II Standards and Compliance
- 30111 Standards
- 30112 Prohibitions on manufacturing, selling, and importing noncomplying motor vehicles and equipment
- 30113 General exemptions
- 30114 Special exemptions
- 30115 Certification of compliance
- 30116 Defects and noncompliance found before sale to purchaser
- 30117 Providing information to, and maintaining records on, purchasers
- 30118 Notification of defects and noncompliance
- 30119 Notification procedures
- 30120 Remedies for defects and noncompliance
- 30121 Provisional notification and civil actions to enforce
- 30122 Making safety devices and elements inoperative
- 30123 Tires
- 30124 Buzzers indicating nonuse of safety belts
- 30125 Schoolbuses and schoolbus equipment
- 30126 Used motor vehicles
- 30127 Automatic occupant crash protection and seat belt use
- 30128 Vehicle rollover prevention and crash mitigation
- Subchapter IV Enforcement and Administrative
- 30161 Judicial review of standards
- 30162 Petitions by interested persons for standards and enforcement
- 30163 Actions by the Attorney General
- 30164 Service of process
- 30165 Civil penalty
- 30166 Inspections, investigations, and records
- 30167 Disclosure of information by the Secretary of Transportation
- 30168 Research, testing, development, and training
- 30169 Annual reports
- 30170 Criminal Penalties
- Subchapter III Importing Noncomplying Motor Vehicles and Equipment
- Chapter 301 Motor Vehicle Safety
- Part B Commercial
- Chapter 311 Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
- Subchapter III Safety Regulation
- 31131 Purposes and findings
- 31132 Definitions
- 31133 General powers of the Secretary of Transportation
- 31135 Duties of employers and employees
- 31136 United States Government regulations
- 31137 Monitoring device and brake maintenance regulations
- 31138 Minimum financial responsibility for transporting passengers
- 31139 Minimum financial responsibility for transporting property
- 31141 Review and preemption of State laws and regulations
- 31142 Inspection of vehicles
- 31143 Investigating complaints and protecting complainants
- 31144 Safety fitness of owners and operators
- 31145 Coordination of Governmental activities and paperwork
- 31146 Relationship to other laws
- 31147 Limitations on authority
- 31148 Certified motor carrier safety auditors
- 31149 Medical program
- 31150 Safety performance history screening
- 31151 Roadability
- 31161 International cooperation
- Subchapter II Length and Width Limitations
- Subchapter III Safety Regulation
- Chapter 313 Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators
- Chapter 315 Motor Carrier Safety
- Chapter 317 Participation in International Registration Plan and International Fuel Tax Agreement
- Chapter 311 Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
- Part A General
- Subtitle VI Motor Vehicle and Driver Programs
- Title 28 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
- Connecticut Code of Evidence
- Article I General Provisions
- Article II Judicial Notice
- Article III Presumptions
- Article IV Relevancy
- 4-1. Definition of Relevant Evidence
- 4-2. Relevant Evidence Generally Admissible; Irrelevant Evidence Inadmissible
- 4-3. Exclusion of Evidence on Grounds of Prejudice, Confusion or Waste of Time
- 4-4. Character Evidence Not Admissible to Prove Conduct; Exceptions; Methods of Proof; Cross-Examination of a Character Witness
- 4-5. Evidence of Other Crimes, Wrongs or Acts Inadmissible to Prove Character; Admissible for Other Purposes; Specific Instances of Conduct
- 4-6. Habit; Routine Practice
- 4-7. Subsequent Remedial Measures
- 4-8. Offers to Compromise
- 4-9. Payment of Medical and Similar Expenses
- 4-10. Liability Insurance
- 4-11. Admissibility of Evidence of Sexual Conduct
- Article IX Authentication
- Article V Privileges
- Article VI Witnesses
- 6-1. General Rule of Competency
- 6-2. Oath or Affirmation
- 6-3. Incompetencies
- 6-4. Who may Impeach
- 6-5. Evidence of Bias, Prejudice or Interest
- 6-6. Evidence of Character and Conduct of Witness
- 6-7. Evidence of Conviction of Crime
- 6-8. Scope of Cross-Examination and Subsequent Examinations; Leading Questions
- 6-9. Object or Writing Used to Refresh Memory
- 6-10. Prior Inconsistent Statements of Witnesses
- 6-11. Prior Consistent Statements of Witnesses; Constancy of Accusation by a Sexual Assault Victim
- Article VII Opinions and Expert Testimony
- Article VIII Hearsay
- 8-1. Definitions
- 8-2. Hearsay Rule
- 8-3. Hearsay Exceptions: Availability of Declarant Immaterial
- 8-4. Admissibility of Business Entries and Photographic Copies: Availability of Declarant Immaterial
- 8-5. Hearsay Exceptions: Declarant Must Be Available
- 8-6. Hearsay Exceptions: Declarant Must Be Unavailable
- 8-7. Hearsay Within Hearsay
- 8-8. Impeaching and Supporting Credibility of Declarant
- 8-9. Residual Exception
- 8-10. Hearsay Exception: Tender Years
- Article X Contents of Writings, Recordings and Photographs
- Connecticut Rules for the Superior Court
- Procedure in Civil Matters
- Chapter 8. Commencement of Action
- Chapter 9. Parties
- Chapter 10. Pleadings
- Chapter 11. Motions, Requests, Orders of Notice, and Short Calendar
- Chapter 12. Transfer of Actions
- Chapter 13. Discovery and Depositions
- Chapter 14. Dockets, Trial Lists, Pretrials and Assignment Lists
- Chapter 15. Trials in General; Argument by Counsel
- Chapter 16. Jury Trials
- Chapter 17. Judgments
- Chapter 18. Fees and Costs
- Chapter 19. References
- Chapter 20. Hearings in Chambers
- Chapter 21. Receivers
- Chapter 22. Unemployment Compensation
- Chapter 23. Miscellaneous Remedies and Procedures
- Chapter 24. Small Claims
- Procedure in Family Matters
- Chapter 25. General Provisions
- Chapter 25A. Family Support Magistrate Matters
- Procedure in Civil Matters